👫🏻💔😞I Need You Now - Marcus Volturi 😞💔👫🏻

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Imagine : You are the Human mate of Marcus and you break up with him due to him neglecting you.

Imagine : You are the Human mate of Marcus and you break up with him due to him neglecting you

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Being someone’s second chance at happiness can be rewarding, but also hard. You always wonder if you are good enough, if you are doing things right, or if the person you love truly loves you. It was a bother, and a burden you carried around with you. You loved Marcus, and longed to see him happy.

You longed to see everyone happy in fact. If the twins were upset, or something triggered a memory of their past. You’d be the first one at their door with a game to play, movies to watch, and books to read. Believe it or not, Demetri was pretty insecure and so was Heidi, so you were always by their sides when something went wrong, and trust me. Demetri would usually have a melt down if his hair wasn’t spikey and perfect the way he liked it. If Aro needed someone to talk to that would actually listen, you were there. If Athenadora and Sulipicia needed someone to help them through the stress and anxiety of being in the tower all the time. You were right there. Being human, you were always tired and not as attentive to your own personal needs. Such as: food, water, sunlight, and peace of mind. You worked so hard to see others happy, that you didn’t worry about your own happiness.

Marcus never noticed your change in behavior. He never even stopped to notice you. It was always a pity party when you were near him. You wanted him to look at you the way you looked at him. You wanted him to hold, and care for you the way you did him. It felt like you were just there to give give give, and all he did was take take take. You understood the pain he carried due to his late wife, and you’d never ask him to forget her for you. You could never bring yourself to cause him such pain. So, you sat there through every episode of his sadness. It was always just a silent time, until one day Marcys finally spoke up. 

   “I’m sorry (Y/N), that you have to be stuck with someone like me,” this caught you by surprise, and also grieved you much. Why was he apologizing? - “If my sweet Didyme was still here. I’d be a much better man.” He spoke to himself, but you heard. Your eyes teared up as you took in what he said. He immediately caught onto what he said, and realized you heard him. His head turned towards you, full of guilt. Tears were pouring down your face as you just looked at him. - “(Y/N), I am so sorry. I didn't mean to say such a thing.” He spoke, trying to grab your hand but you snatch it away from him.

   “H..how dare you.” You cracked out, standing from the bed that no longer felt comfortable to you. - “I’ve tried Marcus. Tried being some form of joy to you, and this whole place. I neglect myself daily to help you through your moments, and others as well. You are not the only one suffering. Everyday I hear you mourn after her, and everyday I see you never care for me and what I am struggling with. Where were you when I’d have my depressed moments? Where were you when I’d cry in the showers, pulling my hair as I slid down the walls of the tub feeling useless and unloved by my own mate! You bring me nothing but pain, but I love you! I stand by you! Not once have I ever asked you to give her up, or to just forget about her. Or not once have I asked you to choose between the one who is dead and the one who is freaking alive in front of you!” You full on in tears, and breathing heavily not caring that you were screaming the whole time. Marcus could only just stand there, and look at you. Feeling ashamed at the pain he has caused you. It was only then that he finally took the time to analyze your face and body. Guilt rushed through him as he compared you to who you once was when the both of you met. You had lost a lot of weight since then, and your collar bone stuck out in an alarming way. Your eyes were dark, and baggy from lack of sleep, and your hair seemed like it hadn’t been brushed completely in a while.The once blue bright eyes that held so much curiosity and wonder in them. Had no longer shone as so. They were dull, and had lost their sparkle to them. 

   “My dear, I wish I-”

  “I’m done.” you said, cutting him off. He froze, and looked at you with pure pain in his face. Not again, not her too. Not another mate gone. How could he have been so foolish to allow you to easily slip through his fingertips. He wanted to speak, but no words would come out. All he could do was watch you walk out, and leave..

        ….....……..TIME  SKIP……..………

It has been two years since then, and you haven’t returned. The ache in your chest took some time to get used to, but you eventually got used to it. You missed him. So bad, but you couldn’t just go back and face him after these two years. What if he found another mate? Your heart clenched at the thought of that, and you decided to think about something different. You stayed in Italy, not wanting to be too far from….them. You knew one of the guards would keep an eye on you, because you once saw Demetri just chilling in your tree with a book. When he saw you and just smiled and went back to reading. The twins would drop groceries at your door, and Felix would always come over to give you money for your bills. Saying, “Masters told me to bring this.” and he’d be gone. You went ahead and just saved the money, and paid your bills yourself. 

You sat at your dining room table, trying to swallow your take out food, but the forming lump in your throat made it impossible. You began to miss him more and more. How you lasted two years, you have no idea, but it was harder now than ever. You fell to the floor, clutching your chest as you cried out. The tears began to fall like rushing waters, and you brought your knees to your chest as you just laid there. Curled up in a ball. The sound of someone knocking, caused you to quiet down a bit. 

   “Miss (Y/N)! Are you okay.” you could hear Demetri call out to you. Looking over at the door, you tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out. -”I’m coming in!” he yelled, knocking your door down in seconds. Oh that was gonna cost a pretty penny to repair. He found you curled up on the floor, and instantly picked you up and rushed you to your bedroom. Gently laying you down, he turned to pull out a phone. You knew why you were in so much pain. You needed him now more than ever.

He was speaking so fast into the phone that you could not understand what he was saying. Your eyes felt heavy, as you just laid there and allowed them to fall. 

    ….................TIME SKIP…............….

The sun peered through your windows as your eyes fluttered open. You could tell your eyes were puffy, but you just rubbed them softly with your hand. 

The ache in your chest subsided, and you could feel someone's arms around you. Thinking it was Demetri, you just laid there. You and him were good friends, and he knew what you were going through while living with them. So he'd hold you when you'd have panic attacks, or when you'd be mid crying session. He was like a brother to you, and he loved you like a sister. 

   "Il mio amore. Mi dispiace molto. per favore, dammi un'altra possibilità e ti prometto di non ferirti mai più." A deep, tired sounding voice whispered in your ears. Immediately you knew it wasn't Demetri, but Marcus. Sighing, you turned around in his embrace and looked up at him. His tired red eyes looked down at you with so much sadness. It hurt you to see him like this. 

    "I forgive you." You whispered back, wrapping your arms around him and holding onto him as tightly as you could. You didn't want to lose him again. 

Sighing, he laid a kiss to your forehead and allowed you to fall back to sleep. He realized that he needed you more than his past. He made a vow that day to never put anything or anyone above you.~

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