👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Raising A Family - Felix Volturi👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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Imagine: You are living your life with Felix, and one day a social worker comes in with both your 4 month old nephew and eight year old niece.
[ (e/c) = eye color. (Y/N/N) = Your Nieces Name. ]

Steam from the coffee raises up and evaporates into thin air. The smell of lavender filled the room as your insents were scattered around. A cold winter breeze came in through the half opened window as you cuddled more into your loving mate. Days like this, you lived for. When Felix wasn't busy or even when he was off. He'd spend every moment with you, and you loved it. Being in his arms was the best part of your day.

Felix sat watching you read the new book he picked up for you during his last mission. His smile grows as you let out a giggle. - "What's so amusing, my love?" He asked, kissing your neck. You turn your attention to him, and press a gentle yet loving kiss to his lips.

"The dog stole the little boys wiener." You couldn't hold it in anymore and just let loose your laughter. You end up snorting, and laughing even harder. Your face was beat red, and tears weld up in your eyes. Felix gazed at you with so much love and compassion. A small smile played at his lips as he awaited your laughing fit to be over.

"That's some funny stuff." Felix chuckled. Once you were calmed down, you reach over for your coffee. You sip on it a bit, just to make sure it's not too hot. Once you are sure it's the perfect temperature, you take a good drink of it. A sigh of relief leaves your mouth as the warm substance filled your body. Leaning back, you start to read again. A few moments pass before you close the book and look up at Felix.

"Do you...ever think about, you know. Having kids?" You asked out of the blue. This caught Felix by surprise. He never thought of something like that, nor saw himself as the fatherly type. You however, you would watch videos on YouTube about funny baby/kids moments and would always make small comments such as, "aweee how cute, I wish I had one" or "I want to be a mom brooo"

Though he should have taken these type of things as a sign. He didn't. So in that moment, Felix was scared. He didn't want to say something that would upset you, but he also didnt want to lie just to make you feel better. He was in fact, a straight forward kind of man.

"Well, I...um, I feel like I could..you know, um-"

A knock at the door breaks your conversation, and your eyes dart to the door. Felix silently thanks God as he tells the person to come in. The door opens revealing the gaints best friend, Demetri. Felix's smiles widens as he secretly notes Demetri as his savior. Demetri smiled towards you as he stood by the door. - "The masters need you, the both of you." Was all he said, before he was gone. You looked up to Felix who just shrugged and picked you up bridal style to carry you to the throne room.

Your (e/c) eyes grow wide as you see a a woman holding the hand of a small girl, and a blue and yellow car seat in her free hand. A baby bag sat next to her on the floor, along with some paperwork sticking out of it. The little girl turns around, and immediately You notice who the child is.

"(Y/N/N)!" You called out. The small childs face lit up at the sight of her aunt. She let's go of the womans hand and ran full speed to you.

"Aunt (Y/N)! I missed you." She said, hugging your neck. You wrapped your arms around her and picked her up. Holding her tightly to you. You felt such joy holding the small girl. Your sister was lucky to be able to have such a gift. Putting her down, you pat her head softly, but then a thought hits you.

"What are you doing here sweetheart, and who is this?" You asked, gaining the dark haired, tall womans attention. She walked over with her hand out, introducing herself as Mrs. Williams, a social worker for children. Your eyes narrowed at this information as you looked from your niece to the carseat, that held a small little baby, who appeared to only be a few months old.

"We had gotten a call from a man who lives next door to your sister. He claimed that their was loud noises coming from the house, and that a baby could be heard constantly crying. We were sent out to investigate and upon entering the household, we were horrified at the sight we saw. These poor children were neglected, and underfed. You are the only known living member that we can entrust with the protection of these babies. If you are not able to take them in, we can put them up for adoption or put them-"

"-No! That will not be necessary.
I'll happlily take them in." You said, before she could even finish her words.

The social worker smiled and handed you the carseat. You looked down at the baby, that was curled up in his blanket. You never knew your sister was pregnant again. You thought you only had your niece, but you were glad to have a little nephew as well.
(Y/N/N( tugged on your shirt and you looked down to see her little eyes looking up at you. You leaned down and kissed her forehead and pulled her into your side. Mrs. Williams took out some paperwork, and began to show you where you'd need to sign.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see the Volturi members watching the whole scenario play out. You didn't care if they opposed your decision. This was your family and you'd be damned if you allowed your niece and nephew to go into the system. She held the pen and paper towards you, " Just sign here, and here, and there. Then I'll be on my way." She spoke, showing you with the pen. You quickly signed the papers, and like she said, she was on her way. You felt the presence of Felix behind you, and you turned sheepishly and looked up at him. The groaning of the infant caused his gaze to be turned to the baby. His eyes softened as he watched the child move around and open his eyes.

"I've always wanted a son..." Felix said, grinning at you.

《I was bored😂 and kept thinking of this. Plus I dont have a lot of Felix love 》

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