🥺😷🌺Perfect - Marcus Volturi 🌺🥺😷

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Sorry for the wait ❤️❤️
You sighed gently to yourself as you applied as much cream as instructed to your face. A hiss of pain flows from your mouth as the scar that rested upon your face, became irritated by the cream your doctor provided for you. It was meant to help the healing process, and make the scar pretty much invisible after two months of using it, but you weren't that lucky because it has now been four months of you dealing with it, and you are so close to losing your mind. You hated everything about it, and it became something you felt so insecure about. It was all fine until you came to live with your mate, Marcus, and you were surrounded by the most flawless women around you. Even the women who were human we're way prettier than you. It drove you mad just by leaving yours and Marcus's shared bedroom and seeing another woman with the most perfect face, and don't get me started on how bad you felt when you laid eyes upon a painting of Didyme.

Placing the mask over your face, and pulling your hair over your shoulders, you make your way out of the bedroom and toward the throne room. Marcus never knew about your insecurities, in fact, he thought you wore the mask to keep from spreading germs due to covid. You were actually glad you met him at the beginning of all this mess, because that meant no one else knew what you were hiding under that mask, only he did, and of course Aro, due to him being able to read through your memories. The dress that was left out for you to wear today flowed so smoothly behind you as you walked down the corridors. No guards were in sight, and this made you feel a bit nervous. Was today a trial? Shrugging, you continued on your journey.

Walking in, you were met with all the eyes of the guard, the kings, and your mate, who stood to greet you. Everyone was dressed so nicely, and looked ready for something, like a special event or something like that. With confused eyes you gazed up at your mate, who was now in front of you, and tilted your head a bit.

     "Why is everyone so dolled up? than they usually are, today?" You asked, allowing your hand to slide into your mates as you moved into his arms. He brought his free hand around you, bringing you as close as he could and laid a kiss to your forehead.

     "Today, Aro thought it would be a great idea to have a...." Marcus began, feeling a bit lost at how to describe whatever his oddly cheerful brother had in store for the day.

     "A family picture day!" Aro cheered, standing with a huge grin plastered on his pale chocky skin. He looked so proud to come up with such an idea, that you couldn't help but choke on your laughter. Caius, just sitting there unimpressed with today's plans, as his wife, Athenadora, stood all dressed up and excited. Anything to get the queen out of the tower made them excited.

     "I don't see why we need to do such a thing. We are a coven, NOT a family. Leave things like this for those ridiculous Cullens." Caius said, standing with an annoyed look upon his face as a group of photographers were led in by Heidi and Corin.

     "Oh shut up you big baby!" Athenadora growled, slapping his chest as she fixed up her dress. Sulipica, came down the steps and joined arms with her husband, as Marcus moved with you to stand next to the raven haired king his his mate.

The four elite guards split off: Jane and Alec over by Caius's side, Felix and Demetri by yours and Marcus' side. All the others were instructed by the photographers to stand somewhere else, and one of the women with them caught sight of you, and your mask.

     "Ma'am, we're gonna need you to remove your mask." The lady said, causing you to go stiff and Marcus to tighten his hold on you. Your heart began to beat rapidly, and you felt as if you were going to pass out from the fear of having to reveal your scar.

     "My love?' Marcus's soft voice whispered in your ear as everyone looked on with concern and curiosity. You swallowed hard as your teary eyes met the gaze of Marcus. What would everyone say? - "You don't have to," He said again, in a low whisper.

Placing your hand up, you shake your head, "No, it's...it's fine Marcus." With a shaky hand, you reached up and slowly pulled the mask off your face. All eyes were heavy on you, but with one look from your mate, they turned right back to the crew. You placed the mask on the ground next to you, and looked up nervously.

It felt like a century before you were done taking pictures. Aro was not playing about a family picture day. As soon as the crew were done, and began to pack their stuff up. You quickly put your mask back on and rushed out the throne room, telling everyone you needed to use the lady's room when they gave you another concerned look.

As soon as you were in the safety of your room, you sat down on the couch and took the mask off. Instantly tears began to fall as you held your hand to your chest and began to try and quiet your cries. You felt so embarrassed and disgusted with yourself. You could have sworn the lady who asked you to remove your mask, tried to hold back a laugh. Maybe it was in your head, but either way that's how you felt. You just wanted to curl up into your bed and never leave the room. Taking your flats off, you lift your legs up under you and lean down on one of the fluffy pillows that was placed there by you for decoration, due to Marcus having such a plain and depressing room.

An hour had passed, and you had calmed down a bit, but all your emotions came rushing back as you could hear your mate enter the room. As soon as your eyes met his worried gaze, more tears flowed from your crystal eyes. - "I'm sorry I'm such an embarrassment," you sobbed, sitting up and roughly wiping the tears from your cheek. Instantly Marcus was on the couch with you, holding you close.

"Mio caro, you are far from an embarrassment to me, in fact, I'm the one who should be saying such things. Look at me, I'm old, and barely as fun as any of the men your age." He said, trying to cheer you up, Your hand shoots up, slapping his chest, gently, and you narrow your eyes at him.

     "No you are not Marcus, you're perfect, and I love you for you. I wouldn't want another." You said, keeping your eyes glued on him.

     "Oh? You say I'm perfect, but if I said the same to you, you wouldn't believe me, now would you?" He asked, a brow raised as he gently traced your scar. Leaning down, he kissed where it laid on your cheek, and whispered in your ear, -"Because you are. The most perfect creation the gods have created, and yes, you have a scar my love, but that scar is just proof that you are more than just a pretty face. You are a fighter, and a damn good one at that," He said, allowing a bad word to fall from his lips as he refers to how you got that scar.

Your hand is immediately at your mouth, shocked that he, the most noble men of them all, cused. Just to get a point across to you. Your tears stopped as you were quick to hop onto his lap and smashed your lips to his. His hands find your hips as he deepens the kiss, only pulling away when he could hear your lungs begging for air. You gaze down at the man who captured your heart all those months ago. How did a woman like you, become so lucky to have such a man like him?

     "I love you so much Marcus Volturi." you breathed, kissing his cheeks.

     "And I love you (First name) Volturi, more than you could ever imagine."


You watched Marcus get dressed for the day, as you sat wrapped in a towel/robe.
Today was a trial, and you were able to make an appearance as long as you stayed in between the twins. You smiled as he tied his tie, and fixed his collar.

     "I ordered you those new masks you were looking at two nights ago, I thought it would be a fun surprise, seeing as they had Rick and Morty and Adventure time on them," He said, taking out a package from his dresser and sitting down next to you.

His fingers work to get the package open. Once it was open, his hand reached in and took each individual bag out and placed them in front of you. You look down at them, and think over Marcus's words from last night. He called you perfect, and though it was hard to believe it, you wanted to embrace it.

Smiling, you take his hand, "I appreciate this Marcus. It just shows you pay attention, and I love that, but..." Your trial off, looking down at the mask, - "I don't need them, because someone I truly loves, told me that I was perfect just the way I am, and I want to make him proud by being the confident woman I know I can be," You explain, taking the mask and placing them back into the package. Marcus had a huge smile as he watched you do so.

     "That's my (y/n)," He says helping you up so you could get dressed. Another dress sat hanging from the door, and you just sighed. He left, and Jane and Corin were in the room seconds after the door closed. Huge smiles on their faces as they begin to set up everything to get you ready for the trial.~

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