Thrist for revenge #Riansh #Immj2 (intro)

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Hello, everyone because of your love, I am back with my first ff. 

First introduction:

 Vansh Raisinghania: A poor boy but handsome and attractive boy carefree who lives in Mumbai, who loves his parents and his sister a lot and want to go to study in the best college of the city

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Vansh Raisinghania: A poor boy but handsome and attractive boy carefree who lives in Mumbai, who loves his parents and his sister a lot and want to go to study in the best college of the city. Therefore, he can fulfill his dreams and family needs.

Riddhima Trivedi: A poor girl but beautiful hot and carefree girl, who lives in Mumbai, and wants to be admitted to best college in Mumbai so she can give a better life to her family

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Riddhima Trivedi: A poor girl but beautiful hot and carefree girl, who lives in Mumbai, and wants to be admitted to best college in Mumbai so she can give a better life to her family. Loves her family a lot.

Kabir Sharma: Arrogant rich and flirty type boy, but will lose everything later

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Kabir Sharma: Arrogant rich and flirty type boy, but will lose everything later. Trustee of the college that riddhima want to study in.

Manish & Uma Raisinghania: Vansh's Parents (kindly ignore their clothes and background just their faces)

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Manish & Uma Raisinghania: Vansh's Parents (kindly ignore their clothes and background just their faces)

Manish & Uma Raisinghania: Vansh's Parents (kindly ignore their clothes and background just their faces)

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Sia Raisinghania: A cute girl who loves his brother vansh a lot

Abhay & Priya Trivedi: Riddhima's Parents who work as servants in KS Mansion (kindly ignore their clothes and background just their faces)

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Abhay & Priya Trivedi: Riddhima's Parents who work as servants in KS Mansion (kindly ignore their clothes and background just their faces)

Abhay & Priya Trivedi: Riddhima's Parents who work as servants in KS Mansion (kindly ignore their clothes and background just their faces)

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Ishani Trivedi: Loves her sister riddhima a lot. Loves someone secretly

Anupriya Sharma: Arrogant rich woman

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Anupriya Sharma: Arrogant rich woman. Kabir's mother

Aryan Sharma: Kabir brother hates his mom and brother attitude

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Aryan Sharma: Kabir brother hates his mom and brother attitude. Loves someone secretly.

I think that is all for the time being if want to add someone later, I will give you the intro later.

A little sneak peek:

Someone (S): Actually, I wanted to tell you something before we go.

Second person (SP): yes tell me

S: i... love... you, so much from so long, I always loved you

SP: Really

S: Yes

SP: I love you too

S: Really, you do not know how happy I am. While hugging him

Then they were silent and then the second person started to laugh

SP: you really think that I will fall for you, never....

So that is all for the today, I hope u will be with me while writing this ff. I really need your support and do tell me how you find the sneak peek.

Nowadays as I will be home, I will try to update every day.

Thrist for revenge # Riansh # Immj2Where stories live. Discover now