Thirst For Revenge (Part.15): He is going crazy or he is already?? 🤨

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Hey guys,

Episode starts:

VR Office 4 PM:

Riddhima: yes, let me call him.

On the call:

Suresh: yes ma'am

Riddhima: I hope you know that Anupriya is coming back today

Suresh: yeah

Riddhima: so when she comes, I want you to do the drama that Kabir is going crazy and make sure she calls the manager of their bank and the housekeeper of their house. Understood

Suresh: yes

Riddhima: after the work is done call me. I will send the money and tell you what to do next.

Suresh: ok ma'am

Call ended.

Riddhima: now, Vansh these upcoming days will be worst for Anupriya-Kabir. I will make them pay for always insulting my family and for trying to rape my sister. It was really difficult for her to overcome this. I will trouble them to an extent that they will kill themselves

Vansh: yes, riddhu. We will make them suffer

Riddhima (confused): riddhu?

Vansh (making her closer): yes, riddhu. Your name is a little longer and now, you are my girlfriend and soon-to-be wife. So I can call you the way, I want.

Riddhima: ooh Mr. who gave you the promotion from boyfriend to soon to be husband

Vansh: myself

Riddhima *laughs

Vansh: accha, jokes apart. Call the manager and the housekeeper to tell them what to do.

Riddhima: yes.

Riddhima called the manager and the housekeepers to inform them what they will do when anupriya calls. That they have to make sure that anupriya starts to doubt if his son isn't mentally unstable. When she finished vansh pulled her towards him.

Vansh (tucking her hair behind her ears): vaise, you have finished planning their doom. So now can we go, I had prepared something for us.

Riddhima: you had prepared? How did you know that I would confess my feelings?

Vansh: when I know my angry bird why think twice

Riddhima: angry bird and me?

Vansh: yes, who else

Riddhima: if I am an angry bird then you are a monkey.

Vansh: why

Vansh: shut it okay

Riddhima: why, when you were calling me an angry bird, you were speaking a lot but now that I am calling, you monkey, you are telling me to shut up. I won't

Vansh: are you sure, you won't shut up.

Riddhima: yes, what will you do?

Vansh: if you do not then... (Coming closer to her lips)

Riddhima (understanding what he wants to do pushes him away): shameless boy, one the first day, you want a kiss. I wonder what you will do when we will get married

Vansh (coming closer): I will do such things, that from that night you will only be moaning my name in pleasure *winks

Riddhima (shocked by his behavior): oh, god what a blatant boy you are. You are already thinking of such strange things

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