Thrist for revenge #Riansh #Immj2 (Part.11): Does he feel the same for me?🤔

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Hello guys. The next part of this story, which is short. Sorry for that.

The episode starts with:

Riddhima telling her plan to vansh.

R: now, I have told you let us go home.

V: yes, ok

Saying they took their car and went home.

Kabir arrived at his home and he called his mom but no one was answering.

K: now where did mom go? Did riddhima do something? No, Kabir I think you will go crazy if you continue to think about her. Maybe mom went to somewhere and will be here very soon. Let me go to sleep.

When riddhima and vansh arrived home. They were welcomed with flowers.

R: ishani, where are you. And what did you do

Ish: I am here sis. And you deserve it. After all, I heard that, that Kabir was so angry to hear what we did

R: yes he was.

V (sarcastically): and ishani do you know that you sister was about to cry for him

R (angry): can you shut up and be serious sometime.

Ish (laughing): By the way, my dear V is right. You always want to cry

R (pouting): now you two will start and team up against me let me call my Aryan. Aryan, darling

Ish (Jealous): sis, I told you to stop calling Aryan, your Aryan

R: someone is jealous, vansh

V: yes, something is burning here

Ish: stop it guys. And I am not jealous okay.

Aryan: someone called me

R: of course, darling. You know na these two enjoy teasing me a lot. And here you are the only one who does it. And did you know, something was burning.

Ish (POV): Sis, too. She tries to expose my feeling to Aryan but I will not let that happen

Aryan: I know that is why siya and I are always in your time. And what's was burning

Ishani interrupted before she can answer and said.

Ish: nothing Aryan, sis is just joking, right ridz

R: yes. By the way where's my other team member

Siya: I am here

V (pouting): that is not fair. My sister is supporting the other team and here we are only two while you are three, not fair.

R: that is your problem; even my sis is on your side so.

Siya: Yes, it is fair

V: wish dad, mom, uncle and aunt were here. They could have supported me

R: yes, me too. But you know na it's was important to send them abroad so that we do not have any weakness that our enemy could use. I miss them a lot

Ish: yes sis, even I missing them.

Siya: me too

V: me too

Ary: oh guys, stop it. it is as if you are in a competition of saying me too. Now should I say me too?

They all start laughing and Aryan says

Ary: I have an idea

All: what

Ary: Let us see video call them and ask them how they are doing

All: ok let's go

Saying so they went to call them while on the other side Kabir could not sleep and was restless about where his mother is.

Thrist for revenge # Riansh # Immj2Where stories live. Discover now