Thrist for revenge (Part.19): Engagement Day

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Hey guys, I am back with another chapter, hope you enjoy it as you enjoyed the previous one. Sorry if there are grammatical or structure faults as I did not find time to correct as I was busy. At home, we do not have someone who cooks for us so I have to the chores and write an update, so I took time. But the next episode is ready I will update it soon.

So let's start:

In the night, Riansh's room:

Vansh (sitting on the bed): honey you promised to give me some honey tonight, then come and give some.

Riddhima (standing near the dressing table and removing her earrings): vansh, can you sometimes control your horses. If you don't then tomorrow you will be tired in the morning, then who will help me in the engagement decorations.

Vansh: it is okay yaar. Anyways we will not take so much time, just one hour, will not make me tired

Riddhima: when you say one hour, you take five hours.

Vansh: riddhima please, or else my horses will expose

Riddhima: accha I am coming.

After removing her jewelry and make up. She went near vansh removed her nightgown and went inside the duvet with vansh.

In the morning, Riansh's room:

Riddhima was getting ready. She was wearing a yellow silk sari.

Riddhima: see, I told you that you should not have some honey last night. However, you did not listen to me. Now see you are still asleep

Vansh (in sleep): what should I have done? My horses wanted some honey so gave it to them

Riddhima: yeah, now get up and get ready. I am going, I have work to do

Vansh (still sleeping): ok

She went from the room and went downstairs.

Ishani (yawning): didi, what time is it.

Riddhima: don't you know, it is 5 PM. You were late so Aryan was engaged with someone else

Ishani (eyes popped out): what. You are kidding, right'

Riddhima (laughs): yeah. What did you think that Aryan would do that? Never, he knows that if he does that then you will burn him alive

Ishani: ridz, stop teasing me. Today is my engagement day

Riddhima: so what, if I don't tease you right now then will I tease you

Ishani: continue, while I am going to get ready

Riddhima: so early

Ishani: no, I meant that I am going to take a bath and come to have breakfast

Riddhima: ooh ok. On your way wake up, siya

Ishani: ok

Riddhima continued with her decorations. When she was putting the orange flowers she was about to fall but vansh came and caught her.

Vansh: honey, you like to fall a lot.

Riddhima: shut up, vansh. You are talking as if, I want to fall every day and you come to catch me

Vansh: but what if I am not there

Riddhima: then I will find someone to catch me *winks

Vansh (possessive): no, I will always be there

Riddhima (kissing his cheek): now that's like my possessive hubby *smiles

Vansh: you should have given me on the lips *wink

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