Thrist for revenge #Riansh #Immj2 (Part 9): Trapped him!

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Hello guys, 

I couldn't update sorry, i was sick. but here is the story.

R: Actually, we wanted to pain you little by little.

K: what do you mean?

R: We though why not send you to jail but then I thought that, it would be easy for you. You see in jail you will have what to eat, where to sleep, what to drink and what to wear free. But when we will take even that house of yours, you will not have anything.

R (laughing): and you know I am so generous that I could not let you have all that. See you should say thank you

K: thank you, my foot.

R (sarcasm): Oops, I cannot see it.

Kabir: you plan was good and intelligent of you. But you forgot that I am Kabir Sharma, I have money on my bank account and even other house, so. Even if you take my house it won't help you destroy me (he said laughing)

R (nervous): oh yeah, we did not even think about that. No, how will we destroy you?

K (mocking ooh, so sad. Now what will happen to your fantastic plan? I am sorry

R (laughing Kabir, Kabir. You again believed me

K: now what do you mean?

R (laughing): that, you are stupid, foolish. Whatever name that can suit you

K: oh shut up don't start

R: why not, what did you think that we did not think about those bank accounts and other houses that you have?

K (scared): oh no. don't tell me that what I am thinking is right

R: maybe, go and check.

Saying so, she cut the call while vansh started laughing like a crazy person

V (laughing): did you hear his voice, I am sure, when he will get to know what you did with his account, and then he will have heart attack. Yaar, I am feeling so sorry for him, it is dangerous to have you as enemy

R (laughing): yeah I heard his voice he sounded so scared. Yeah you see, you chose really well by becoming my friend or else your condition will be worse than his will

V: what have you done, because of which you are smiling

R: something, interesting and very interesting (wink). For now leave him, now you are dead meat

V: me, why. What did I do?

R: oof don't act as if you don't know anything

V: me but... (Suddenly he realized what she was talking about). However, I was just joking (said with an innocent face)

R (acting as if touched): oo do not use that innocent face of yours because it will not save you.

V: Please riddhima. Do not do that

R: I will.

Saying so she touches in her bag and took out a big packet filled with red color.

Vansh (screaming): riddhima, riddhima baby. Please see Na I am wearing a white shirt, if you put color on it, mom will not spare me.

R: As if, I care. You know that I enjoy when aunt scolds you, especially for my mistakes*giggles

V: if you do it, this time I am sure she will believe me

R (making an innocent face): ooh, tsss. Sorry aunt will not believe you. But for now let me play Holi

They started to run in the office, while riddhima was trying to put the color on vansh but was missing her target. Suddenly she thinks of an idea to make vansh come on his own and she screams

R (screaming): ouch, vansh please help I think I sprained my ankle

V (coming to her): riddhima, is it paining a lot? Should we go to the hospital? Tell me.


V (shocked): I am asking if you are okay and you are smiling

R: yes

V: but...

He was about to ask the reason behind her smile, when he realizes that it was her plan, to make him come to her.

V: so what, I am thinking is right?

R: yeah

After saying that she applied the color all over him, and now he was looking like a bloody murder with his beard and that color all over him

R (laughing): do you know vansh, you look like those killer we see in movies

V (pout): nyi, nyi,nyi (imagine like a kid who is repeating what his parents told him, after a good scolding). You are laughing when it's you who is responsible. Such a bad girl you are.

Saying he turns his face and his back faces riddhima to show her that he is really sad with what she has done. While riddhima hugged him from his, back and said

R: ooh, my best friend is angry with me. But you are the one who started it.

V: are hugging me to convince me or to make me remember that I challenged you that you will not do anything to punish me

R (laughing): now after coming it business you have become intelligent

When he heard that he turned and faced her

V: what do you mean? Before I was stupid.

R: yes

V: really, let me show you, what this stupid can do

Saying so, they started running again, the whole office.

R: see now you're no more angry with me

V: when you know how to convince me then how how can I stay angry.

So that's all for today, no suspense. Hope you enjoy this one and do tell me how you found this part in the comments.

Big love from me and stay safe while following covid-19 precautions.

Thrist for revenge # Riansh # Immj2Where stories live. Discover now