Thrist for revenge (Part 20): Haldi Ceremony

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The most waited part...


Siya: so bhai, tell me did you like Angre. Is he good for me?

Vansh: no, siya, I did not like him

Riddhima (feeling bad for siya): but vansh...

Vansh (strict): no discussion on that. Angre is not good for siya and that is it

Siya (crying): but bhai, I cannot live without him, please

Vansh: who said you have to live without him?

Siya (confused): but you said he isn't good for me.

Vansh (smiles): I said that because he isn't good for you but he is the best

Siya (happy): what! It means that you accept him

Vansh (smiles): yeah

Siya (hugging him): thank you so much!! I love you, bhai

Vansh: I love you too

Riddhima: vansh, you scared us?

Vansh: I know

Siya: but bhai, where is Angre?

Angre: I am just here (he said while coming from Vansh's back)

Siya (hugging him): Angre, he accepted

Angre: I know why wouldn't he. After all, he is my buddy

Siya: what do you mean?

Angre: Vahi that we know each from high school but he left.

Siya: so it was not that difficult for you

Angre: yep

Flashback starts from where someone was following vansh and he turned to see who was following him:

Vansh: You what are you doing here?

Angre: I came to ask your sister's hand in marriage

Vansh: ooh, so that's you

Angre: yeah

Vansh: I was thinking that I will kick the ass of the one to come but how can I kick yours. When we are buddies, (he said while hugging him)

Angre: I didn't know that you were siya's brother, or else I would not be so scared

Vansh (laughs): don't tell me that you were scared

Angre: of course I was. Siya had told me that her brother is very possessive towards her. So I was like today I am dead but when I saw you in the engagement, I asked siya, who are you and she told me that you are her brother. After that, I was relaxed that it is you.

Vansh: so you didn't tell siya that we know each other

Angre: no

Vansh: perfect

Angre: what is so perfect in that?

Vansh: Vahi that we will play with her a little

Angre: how

Vansh: just follow me and do not say anything

Angre: ok

Flashback ends

Siya (pouting): Angre, I will not talk to you, you do not know how stressed I was

Angre (turning towards vansh): see now my girlfriend doesn't want to talk to me because of you

Thrist for revenge # Riansh # Immj2Where stories live. Discover now