Thirst For Revenge #Riansh #IMMJ2 (Part.14): Jealous then Proposal🧐

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Hey guys, how are you doing? I'm really happy today, first you are loving this story. Second i got an amazing cover for my book made by this one BeginningDesigner, it's really beautiful check the cover. If you want one just ask her she is superb.

So let's start and i hope you enjoy this one. The next part will be update next Tuesday while for the os it's this Thursday

Recap: vansh wants to know what riddhima feels and riddhima too wants to know what vansh feels. Riddhima scares Kabir saying that her grandma is a witch or ghost.

At vansh and riddhima's office:

Vansh: vaise riddhima, you didn't answer my question

Riddhima (innocent): which question

Vansh: the one of last night.

Riddhima: I don't remember anything

Vansh: shall I make you remember or what

Riddhima: no, not now. I have an important meeting

Riddhima was about to leave but suddenly a girl entered they office and directly hugged vansh

Riddhima (POV): what the hell! Who is this girl who is hugging my vansh. Wait what my vansh, from when. Arggh, that's not important now, but who is this girl, I just hope that it isn't that witch who called vansh last night.

Vansh: anu, what are you doing here

Riddhima (POV): Oh god! I was right. It's that witch only.

Anu: baby, I was missing you that's why

Vansh: but there was no need to come, I was coming to your house tonight remember.

Anu: oh I know but I couldn't control myself

Riddhima (POV) Control yourself my foot. If she doesn't stop now I don't what I'm going to do.

Vansh: it's okay. But I'm working right now, so we won't be able to spend time together

Anu: it's okay, I will be here just looking at you

Vansh: ok.(to riddhima): vaise, why are you still here you had an important meeting, right

Riddhima: ye... ss... vo...h... they just called me and informed me that it is cancelled

Vansh (POV): Liar, you couldn't just leave seeing me with anu. I know you are jealous, and I'm sure that today you will confess your love for sure. Vaise I think my plan is the best (smirks)

Flashback starts: (ep 11)

R (laughing): fooled you. Now I am going. Good night

V: what. But remember tomorrow you will have to answer me

V (POV): Damn it. She left without telling me what she feels. But its okay, I have a plan on how to make her confess.


V: hey Anu, so to disturb you again

Anu: it's okay. By the way why did you tell me to say all that.

V: don't you remember, I told you about riddhima. How we live with each other from the past months and I love her. I know she too loves me but I want her to take the first step towards me so I told you to say that so that if she loves she will feel jealous

Thrist for revenge # Riansh # Immj2Where stories live. Discover now