Ch.8:Dark days

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Wiess pov

"Miss Schniee would you mind explaining why you saw it fit to attack a student after she couldn't fight?" Ozpin asked as he sipped his coffee. Looking down I sighed, "Sir... I don't know what happened, we were just fighting and next thing I know I'm being yelled at to stop." I said. "I see, did you feel as if you were being controled?" he asked. Shaking my head I couldn't find the words, he stayed silent for a long time. Taking another long sip of his coffee he sighed, "Ok...I can't exactly punish you but I can give you something." my eyes widened, looking up at him I expected to see him pull out a weapon of some kind but instead he pulled out a icy blue rock as big as my hand and slid it to me, "Take this and keep it safe."he said, opening his mouth to say something else he was interrupted by the sound of his scroll. Pulling it out he put it up to his ear and listened to whoever was on the end. His eyes widened, "Bring him to the medical ward immediately. Ill be waiting." was all he said before ushering me out of his room.

I looked back down at the cold rock in my hand and gave a huff, what was I supposed to do with a rock? How was that supposed to bring back Ruby or help me figure out what caused me to attack that girl like I did. "You look like you have questions." looking up my eyes met Neptunes dark blue eyes. Giving me a cocky smile he snatched the rock from my hand and began tossing it up in the air and catching it. "You into collecting rocks?" he asked. Grabbing it from his hands I glared at him, "No! Professer Ozpin gave me this and told me to hang on to it." I retorted. He gave me a smile then put his hands up in a defensive manner, "Ok ok snow angel. Come on lets walk and talk." he said offering me his arm, I couldn't just say no that would be rude.

Blake pov

Using the dust cartridges Wiess had given me I jumped,swung and fought with everything I had. Adam didn't hold back either, I think the fact that we used to be partners gave him an edge. He knew all my moves and I should had known his but he continued to pull out attacks I had never seen. With a loud echoing clang our blades met once again, "Hmph, seems your still as predictable as ever." he grunted, giving him a smile, "And your over dramatic like always." I replide. He pushed me back the spun and kicked me, standing over top of me he raised his blade and smiled, "You should think me for killing you now Blake. It saves you the agonizing pain you would had suffered later." he muttered as he brought down his blade on me.

Quickly rolling out of the way I jumped back to my feet. From behind me I could hear Adams blade crack into the ground where I just laid, turning I started to fire at him but being faster then me he blocked every bullet with the blade of his sword. His hair began to glow bright red, 'Crap he's charging his special attack.' I thought to myself. "Bring it on kitty." he said with a laugh, growling I ran at him, the blades of my swords began to glow purple. What happened next surprised everyone, I swung and he swung but our strikes only connected with someone else's. "Seems you two have a bit of history." came Goodwitches voice, looking over at me she scowled "Save any personal stuff until the tournament miss Belladonna." I only weakly nodded, Adam gave a scoff turned and walked off leaving me to stand there and watch his retreating form.

"Alright who's next?" Professer Goodwitch asked looking up at the smaller crowed of people, "Oh oh me!!" came the energetic and completely random on of team JNPR. "Ok. Nora Valkery. And your opponent will be?" she asked arching an eyebrow. "That'd be me." came Foxs voice. The professor nodded and signaled for them both to come down.

Sapphire pov

I couldn't believe I woke up in the medical ward that girl went out of control. "Finally your awake." Emerald said from my side. Giving her a glare I folded my arms, "I can't believe they thought it was necessary to bring me here. I'm fine that girl couldn't hurt me." I growled. "Obviously she can and did." Emerald said giving me a shrug. I was about to shoot back at her when the doors to the medical ward were flung open, Professor Ozpin, two nurses, a doctor and a girl with long blonde hair came running in with a guy on a wheeled bed. They took him to the far side of the room and began working on him, the doctor and nurses worked quickly while Ozpin kept ahold of the girl.

"How did this happen?" Ozpin asked her, she wiped her cheeks then answered, "We were trying to stop a group of white fang members when we found out Ruby was leading them."

"So she works with them now?" he questioned. She shook her head, "No. Since she changed she was pretty much turned the complete opposite of herself. But she threatened to shoot me when he jumped in the way of the bullet and saved me."

"What happened afterward?" Ozpin asked, I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was all business.

"Some other girl with an umbrella showed up and they just disappeared." The blonde girl said.

Looking over at Emerald she mouthed 'Neo' and I nodded. "Will he be ok?" the girl asked.

"That all will depend on Victor." Ozpin said, I gave a gasp. Sure enough my silver haired partner laid across the room on a operating table. 'Victor.'

Roman pov

"Ah, nice work Neo and you two red thanks to you we have all the dust that we could possibly need from this town." I said patting the two girls on the back. Neo just smiled at me but Red not so much. Pulling away, red glared at me, "What is next!?" she demand.

"I havnt the slightest clue. But I can tell you it will be fun." I said.

"Next Ruby I'm happy to inform you that your going back to school." Cinder said as she came elegantly walking into the room. "What do you mean?" Ruby asked.

"I mean your going back to Beacon."

"I can't...I don't even have a team." She stuttered. Cinder gave her a knowing smile, "Yes you do. You and Neo will go to Beacon, Adam is already there waiting on you. Ill send the fourth member later." Cinder said.

"But what about my old team. They'll stop at nothing to get me back." Ruby said. Cinder laughed then lightly patted her head, "Let me worry about them."

"Yes ma'am." Ruby said.

To be cont....

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