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"I just can't believe it ya know..." I sadly said while sitting on my bed. Wiess and her older sister gave me a look of sympathy while Blake was quiet. "What would be the point of coming back to Beacon. Especially if she knew we were here?" I said out loud, "And with Adam no less." Blake spoke up. "Yeah. That girl with the umbrella was on the train that crashed not to long ago." I said remembering how embarrassingly bad I got beat by her. "Perhaps we should try to see this from her point of view. Maybe there's a reason she came back." Winter said. As much as I wished that were true I knew it wasn't, Ruby came back for a different reason.

"Question is what do we do now?" Wiess asked as she put her hand on her hips. "I need to get some air." I said standing and walking to the door, that's what I told them but actually I needed someone to talk to who wasn't my team. Taking out my scroll I dialed Victors number, I smiled when he answered "Hey beautiful."


"Ugh." I groaned and sat up in bed. Pyurah was sitting in a chair next to my bed and when I sat up she looked over at me and smiled. "I'm glad to see that your awake." She said.
Ren and Nora came over and looked at me, "How long was I out?" I asked.
"Just a few hours."
"How are you feeling?" Pyurah asked as she placed a cool hand on my forehead, I blushed at the contact but shook her off and stood. "What exactly happened back there? I mean one moment Rose and I are fighting next thing I know..." I frowned, "That bright light blinded me."
"We don't know what it was yet." Ren said as if answering my unspoken question. Shaking my head I grabbed my sword and shield and headed toward the door when it flew open and I bumped into Coco from team CFVY.

"Hey guys...professor Ozpin sent me to get John." She said lowering her sunglasses so that she looked over the top of them. Her amber eyes stayed focused on me even when Pyurah walked up beside me and placed her hand on my shoulder. Looking over at her she gave that caring smile, "Go on. We'll be waiting when you get back." I nodded and followed Coco down the hall. "So...any ideal what happened back there?" she asked as we continued to talk. "Not a clue." I replide. Once we reached Ozpins office she turned and looked at me with her serious gaze, "Good luck." Then she turned to walk away when her rabbit eared partner, Velvet came running up. "Velvet what's wrong?" Coco asked.
"Yang, Ruby and Victor are gone." oh this couldn't be good I thought to myself.


The guy walked closer to me but for some reason my body was numb. He crouched beside me and eeriely wiped some hair out of my face, his skin felt cold and his piercing blue eyes froze me on the spot. Weirdly enough I wasn't scared I was excited to see what he may do next, his features were handsome. 'Ugh snap out of it! He just fricking shoved some kind of aura thing in my shoulder. "Give it to me." He muttered. " what?" I asked shuddering as his cold hand lightly landed on my bare thigh. "The stone you have. Give it to me please. I honestly do not want to hurt someone as beautiful as you." he was silent for a moment as if putting together what he would say next, his blue eyes met my own scarlet ones. "But I will kill you if necessary." His words chilled my blood. "I...don't have it anymore. After the blast of light it was gone..." I had no clue why I was telling him all this but it just came pouring out, I should be reaching for my sword but still my body wouldn't move.

He nodded, "Were you holding it when the light flashed?" He asked, I only meekly nodded. "Ok. I've found it...this may sting a little." I was about to ask what he ment when his hand traveled further up my thigh until it suddenly stopped, his eyes began to glow and where his hand was started to sting. I bit back a yelp as the stinging increased but only for a second then he removed his hand and smiled at me, he opened his mouth to speak when I heard footsteps heading our way. He smiled, "I could only be so lucky as to run into two people holding parts of my soul." he muttered.
"Hey! Get away from my sister!" I heard Yangs voice, Nightmare or Jack stood and turned to face her. Looking over I saw her and that silver haired guy she was hanging out with before. My eyes screamed run but sadly she wasn't looking at me, she was glaring at Jack. Finally finding my voice I screamed, "Run Yang!!"


I stood outside waiting for Yang. She had called and asked if id meet her outside to just talk and I agreed. "Hey." came her voice as she came stepping threw the shadows. Her purple eyes seemed to sparkle in the moon light, I turned and smiled at her. "You ok?" I asked. She shook her head tears started to stream down her cheeks, I opened my arms and she ran into them and squeezed me close. I stiffened as she squeezed a little to hard and ended up hurting my wound, noticing that she was hurting me she blushed and took a step back. "I'm...sorry" she sniffed. Anyone who knew Yang knew that her crying like this was not normal, she was hurting bad and needed someone there for her. I wrapped her in a tight embrace not caring about the pain in my shoulder, she started to sob, I ran my hand threw her hair "It'll be ok Yang. We'll figure all this out." I comforted. She nodded took my hand and together we just walked.

The night air was cool but didn't seem to bother her. "What could she be doing here?" Yang asked as if I knew the answers. Shrugging I answered, "Maybe to get under your skin."
"Well its working. And her partners are both criminals...why would she choose them... Ugh its all so frustrating!" she groaned. Before I could answer she stopped, following her gaze I saw a guy in black crouching over what looked like Yangs sister. "Hey! Get away from my sister!" Yang yelled from beside me, the guy stood, turned and looked right at us. He had shaggy black hair and bright blue eyes that glowed with power, "Yang run!" Her sister yelled from behind the guy. "I'm so pleased you saved me the trouble of hunting you down." the guy said.
He took a few steps toward us and on instinct I stepped in front of Yang and took out my unique weapon. Yang wasn't wearing her gauntlets but that wouldn't stop her from fighting. At the sight of my weapon the guy stopped, his eyes widened. "How did you get that weapon!?" he growled. Looking down at the newly formed black bladed sword in my hand I looked back up at him and frowned, "I made it. Now what do you want?!" I asked, Yang was ready to fight but stayed silently behind me. "I want something you have!" He yelled charging at me.

To be cont...

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