Ch.10: Soul Stones

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Victor pov

With Yangs help I finally made it back to my room. My team was in class right now but would be here later, sitting on my bed I frowned at the rock Ozpin had handed me. "Maybe its like some kinda crystal." Yang said putting her hands on her hips. Looking back up at her I shrugged, "Well anyway I've got to go. I'm sure my team is wondering where I'm at and I've got to talk to them about Ruby." she said. Bending down she placed a light kiss on my cheek then winked at me, "See ya later." and with that she was gone. Giving one last aggravated sigh I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, everything was so peaceful and I soon fell asleep. I was sleeping good until a bright light woke me up, blinking a few times I was looking around to try to find the source of the light when my gaze found the rock Ozpin had given me, it was glowing brightly casting a blinding white light over the room. Causing me to hardly be able to see.

John pov

"Come on John its like your not even trying to hit me!" Ruby yelled as again I missed her, of course I wasn't trying to hit her anyway. Fighting against my friends wasn't easy not for me, it didn't matter if it was training or not I had trouble fighting with them, Pyurha understood it all. I had told her almost everything and I felt certain I could trust her. Feeling the breath being knocked out of me I fell back onto the ground, Ruby stood triumphly over me, her scythe pointed to my chest.

"Give up?" She asked, shaking my head I rolled to my feet. "Go John!" I heard my team cheer, "Ruby please, what's happened to you?" I asked. She expertly shot toward me, the blade of her scythe changed slightly. She began to swirl in mid air, raising my shield I blocked her strike but the force was enough to send me skidding backwards, the necklace my mom had given me now hung loosely for everyone to see. "Ill finish it now, and quick." Running toward me the stone of my necklace began to glow bright blue, Ruby swung full force at me but her blade banged harmlessly off a blue aura field that now surrounded me. "What the!?" she growled.

Reaching into her pocket she took out a rock similar to mine, hers began to glow bright red. Up in the crowd Wiess gasped and pulled another similar rock out of her pocket, it erupted in a pillar of blinding white light as did Rubies and mine. It began to burn my hand so I threw it down in the middle of the training field, Ruby gave a yelp and dropped her's and Wiess tossed hers up in the air. It clattered to a stop in between mine and Rubies.

Glaring at me Ruby started toward me but she didn't get far, all three stones erupted in a large column of light. Shielding my eyes I didn't see Rubies strike until the hilt of her scythe hit me right in the face. No one dared move as the light grew warmer. Professor Goodwitch was completely speechless and I was to.

Roman pov

"Why are we here again?" I asked fixing my hat, Cinder grabbed a box but quickly dropped it and picked up a green gem. "For this,"

"A rock? We came all this way for a rock?" I asked annoyed. I had better stuff to do then go following her around looking for colorful rocks. "This is a soul stone Roman." She said holding the rock carefully.

"There are only six stones left. Once three are together the others will begin to glow brighter and cause the holder to find the others." She said gazing at the rock she held. "And once there all together?" I questioned. Her glowing eyes turned up to look at me, "They will all fuse to create the master stone. The user of that stone will have enough power to...." She was interrupted by the stone lighting up. "Wh...what's going on?" I asked taking a few steps back, Cinder muttered something and dropped the stone, bright light erupted from it and the entire room was cascaded in light.

Raven pov

Walking slowly threw the dark I crept toward a white fang base. I had been watching them closely for awhile now but tonight I felt the need to watch them. "We've lost contact with the boss." One said to another. "I guess we continue taking dust." The other replide.

"What about those stupid kids?" I instantly started to scoot closer to get a better look. Sitting in the middle of the room was three little girls tied up. "I guess you can do whatever just make it quick we have two other shops to hit." and with that the other walked away leaving the man with the little girls.

He walked slowly toward them, "Don't worry girls, ill be gentle." He said giving them a laugh, they started to struggle to get free and began crying, anger roared to life in my heart. Quietly walking in behind him I spoke, "I'm sure you wouldn't want those girls. How about a real women." He quickly turned but by the slump of his shoulders he quickly relaxed. "And who are you sexy?" he staggered toward me, I smiled and winked, "Oh I'm no one but you look like a man in need of some special services." he wrapped his arms around me, but before he could do anything I kneed him right between the legs. He fell with a squeak to his knees giving him a glare I didn't say a word, in q quick movement I snapped his neck. Uniting the girls I thought the rest of the night was going to be peaceful until the stone that my mother gave me before she died erupted in a bright white light blinding me momentarily.

To be cont....

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