Ch.3:Victory for Victor

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Victor pov

"Gah just die!!" She screamed. I blocked another strike and multiple shots by the once Ruby Rose. I wonder how she had turned dark side, running toward her I managed to get inside her guard and deliver a swift punch to her gut but it didn't have much effect because she spun and planted a hard kick right to the middle of my chest that sent me stumbling back. "You may want to try actually winning." Roman said.

"Wanna fight her!?" I growled, he raised his hands in a defensive manner, "Be my guest." He said with a smile. I turned my attention back to Ruby only to be shot at multiple times. I rolled side ways then yelled and flung ny shield at her, it smacked her backwards onto the ground. I raced forward turned my weapon into a sword and brought it down on her, fear filled her features as my blade sailed at her. "Stop!" Came a yell. I sank my blade into the floor inches from her face and looked back to see the annoyed Cinder. "What's going on here?" She asked. I took a step backwards then pointed to Ruby, "About time you get back, where the heck have you been?" Roman questioned.

"We were looking for the intruder." Mercury said putting his hands on his hips, "Is that the girl from the school?" Emerald asked. Ruby stood and glared at me, "Mercury take Sapphire and get her checked out." Cinder said motioning to my blue haired partner. Cinder stepped forward until she stood right in front of Ruby. "Why come here?" She questioned. Ruby spun her scythe around until it shrank back into a gun, "I came to join you."

"Join us!? You were practically aiming to decapatate me!" Roman yelled. Ruby glared at him then shook her head, "Their the ones that started fighting with me!" She said glaring at me."Enough! Ruby come with me, ill explain what you will be doing." Cinder said putting a hand on Rubys back and leading her toward the door. Once there she stopped and looked back at Emerald and me, "You two get ready to go."

"Go?" Emerald asked.

"Back to Beacon of course. Classes start back up tomorrow so be ready." And with that she walked out. Roman began to laugh, "Looks like its back to hitting books for you two!" He said, "If your not careful Roman ill hit you instead." Emerald said giving him a playful smile then walking off toward her room. He looked at me and I shrugged. Things were going to get complicated.

Blake pov

I sat in the library silently reading when Rin walked up beside me. "Mind if I sit?" he asked. Not wanting to look up from my book I nodded, he sat and opened a big dusty book that smelled really bad. I waved away the smell then looked over at him, he was reading intently skimming over line after line. "What is that?" I asked hating that my curiosity was getting the best of me. He looked up, "I found this book the day Ruby left. Yang told us about the effect the dark moon had on her and I knew I've read about that somewhere before. So I looked threw this book for a cure or something." He said.

"Anything yet?" I asked on the edge of my seat. Its been rough on Team Rwby since our leader left mainly on Yang being Rubys sister. She would hardly sleep or eat all she did was search for Ruby twenty four seven. It got to the point where Ozpin had to order her on bed rest or she'd be expelled. Finally Wiess and I managed to talk her into resting, I used the same words she said to me, 'I'm not asking you to stop but please slow down not just for yourself but for your team.'

"All I've been able to find recently was something about a rising sun that is supposed to have the power to change Ruby back." He said flipping pages. I stared intently at the words on the yellowed pages, when I read the words 'Rising Sun' My first thought was how in the world could the Sun help Ruby. Just then there was a loud bang and Neptune came skidding to a stop next to my chair, he looked a lil banged up but still he stood. Threw the door stepped Cardin who gave a sneer, "You'll think twice next time you bump into me!" He yelled.

"Ha yeah your right, you smell so bad that I should be able to smell you coming a mile away." Neptune said. Cardin gave a growl and ran at us, his weapon raised.

To be cont.....

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