Happy 34th Birthday

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Today Monty Oum creator of Roosterteeths RWBY would have turned 34, as a special thanks to him for inspiring me and countless of others I've decided to write this chapter. Each character will explain what he meant to them. I hope you all enjoy. Keep moving forward.....


Ruby: Well to me Monty was like my father, I know Yang and me have a dad but Monty was so much more. It's hard to describe honestly. Everyone here feels the same, I thank him for creating this world, the world of Remnant. And he's completely right when he said don't let anyone tell you that you cant make your dreams come true.

Wiess: All my life I've been spoon fed anything I want. Monty wasn't like that, he worked hard everyday to bring you all our story. He was kind to us all, some see us as just fake characters on a show and then some we get to inspire and that wouldn't have happened if not for him bringing us to life. if I could tell him anything today it would be happy birthday you incredible person. Thank you. 

Blake: Monty was an incredible person and its like Ruby said he was like everyone's dad. He pretty much raised us no matter how you look at it. I cant believe I'm agreeing with Wiess but yes we may seem like just some made up animated characters but to some we are more then that to Monty we are a message he was sending to us all. No matter what your skin color or your gender you can still amount to great things no matter the odds stacked against you. We love and miss you Monty R.I.P.

Yang: I am not going to get all emotional but Monty meant a lot to me just like he did to everyone else. He created us he shared our ideals. Stuff he may have gone threw as a child was reflected within us all. All around the world people are judged and hated because they don't look or think the same way someone else does. I'm not a fan of bullies and its unacceptable so even tho he is gone we will carry on his dream to try to make the world a better place.  


Jaune: Umm first off happy birthday Monty. Everyone seemed to be ten times better then me until Monty helped me. He helped me show that you cant allow people to walk all over you. Or you cant put yourself down, you have to keep working at it. Try your hardest and never give up, you have friends who will be there threw everything when you need them. Monty helped a lot of people see that they can do great things if you set your mind to it. Thank you Monty.

Nora: He loved pancakes and I do to. We had a lot in common, he, Rin and me are the only ones who knew what sound a sloth makes. Sometimes people tell me that I'm stupid or dumb but I don't listen how can I when I'm to happy running over friends in Mario Kart or kicking Jaunes butt in Super smash bros. What I'm trying to say is that you cant let it effect who you are :)   

Pyrrha: He had a very special aura around him. He was a very kind man and brought a lot things to the people who watch our stories. I appreciate everything he ever did for me, you see growing up like I did wasn't easy. I was blessed but just because your blessed doesn't mean you should stop trying to do nice things for the people around you. Never get a big head and start thinking your better then anyone else, we all were created to work together. We all need good friends in our life's and thanks to Monty I was given that. Happy birthday and we all miss you Monty. Rest easy knowing we will carry on your dream.    

Ren: Well you may be gone but I'm here to continue on with what you believed in. You were a big part of me just as much as I was of you. People shouldn't be told they can't do something that's a lesson you were taught and a lesson you were trying to pass on. I respect you so much, everyone of us, even Cinder and her goons respect you. You brought a perfect balance of humor along with action and character. I'm honored to represent you Monty Oum, Rest in peace my friend.

Ozpin: Our students have made a great point. Monty Oum has inspired more people then ever. And I can't say it any better then Ren did. All of us here and your friends at RoosterTeeth want to wish you a happy 34th birthday and may you the best Professor rest easy knowing that your ideals and dreams will carry on. Goodbye my friend.

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