Ch.6:Events rerun

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Wiess pov

After the events that unfolded between my sister and Cardin I tried desperately to focus on the girl in front of me, I instantly recognized her as the girl who beat Ruby last time and as one of Victors teammates. "Its over heiress!" she yelled raising her claymore. Right as she brought it down I created my clockwork glyph and did a quick back flip. "Hmm, is that all you have?" I asked pointing my blade at her. Glaring the girl ran at me, I knew I had her right where I wanted her, swinging she completely missed which left me with room to deliver a nice flawless combo that sent Sapphire back onto the ground.

She gave a groan and tried to stand but I didn't stop there, creating multiple glyphs I attacked hitting her again and again. I can't really explain what was going threw my head but I felt the need to impress and do better then my older sister. "WIESS STOP!" Came a scream. I skidded to a stop, the girl named Sapphire landed with a thump beside me. She was unconscious and her aura was low, "Miss Schniee what has gotten into you!?" Prof. Goodwitch asked as she crouched beside Sapphire making sure I hadn't killed her. I took in a deep breath, "Wiess what the heck?" asked Blake who was now at my side. I continued to shake my head, 'What had I done?'

Victor pov

"Umm, Yang shouldn't we be getting back?" I asked trying to get her attention to go back to me. She glared at this girl like she was the enemy, sadly she didn't know that the enemy sat right across from her. She straightened then looked over at me, "Right, don't want any teachers chewing us out." she said flashing me a smile. Glancing back at the other girl she quietly said, "We'll talk later." then just like that the other girl turned and walked out, "So you ready?" Yang asked, nodding I paid for the coffee and followed Yang out to her bike. She stood with her back to me, "I'm guessing you want to know who that other girl was." she said. I couldn't lie, I was very curious on who that girl was. Turning to face me tears slowly made their way down her pale cheeks.

"She's my sister, before Ruby, Raven was born. Ruby knows nothing about her. I think she has something to do with the disappearance of our mother." she said looking down at the ground.

I took a step forward and made Yang look up at me, softly I wiped the tears away and told her exactly what she needed to hear, "Its going to be ok." and then everything happened so quickly. Yang wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer until her soft lips molded perfectly with mine. Instantly there was a burning hot spark between us, it felt as if we had both been alone for so long and this is exactly what we were looking for, someone else who cared. I don't know how long we stood there out in public kissing but a loud bang broke us apart. Breathing heavily I looked around, fear clenched my chest at the familiar sight of about a dozen white fang members robbing a dust store. "We have to stop them!" Yang said from my side, I smirked at the sight of the red tint on her cheeks. I agreed we had to stop them but I couldn't risk being caught. "I'm sure the police will handle this. We should go..." I said but Yang was already stomping toward them.

I sighed and followed. "Hey!" she yelled causing all of their attentions to snap to us. "Put everything you took back into that store and stay there to wait on the police." she commanded. They all started to laugh and drew their swords. Yang gave them a smile, activated her gauntlets and said, "You ready?" I pulled out my weapon and readied to fight along side her when a voice said, "Stop!". Stepping to the front of the group was a girl with a really big scythe. Yang stiffened at my side, her voice reflected the fear and shock she was feeling, "Ruby?!"

Ruby pov

"Alright next we hit the All you can buy dust shop." I told the white fang members that Cinder sent to aid me. They nodded and in no time we were robbing another dust shop. The owner cowarded behind the front desk as we walked threw taking what ever we wanted. Everything was running smoothly until two security guards ran in, "Stop right there!" one yelled. I gave them an annoyed look and brought out Crescent Rose. They began to look nervous and were deciding on weather or not they should go for their weapons when I started to grow bored. I shot forward completely knocking one guard backwards threw the stores glass window then quickly twirled my scythe knocking the other guard to the ground. Pointing the barrel of my now gun at his head he began to shake his head, "No please." but hearing him beg was just to good, he was so weak and his life was in my hands, to bad I already had a life. Pulling the trigger I told the others to hurry up so we could move on to the next shop. Looking down I picked up a single red crystal that began to turn purple at my touch, something told me to take it.

Finally after all the dust was packed we moved on to the next shop which was deep in town. Things ran smoothly, no guards and anyone who was walking by turned and ran until. "We can't open the vault without explosives ma'am." One guy said. Pointing my gun at the door of the vault I pulled the trigger causing a loud bang to echo threw the shop, the vaults door gave a creak and fell off allowing total access to the goodies inside. "Get it all out and hurry up." I told them. It was then I heard commotion outside, I walked out the door to see a small group of my man with weapons drawn walking toward two people. One of which I didn't recognize but the other I knew all to well, "Stop!" I yelled. Making my way threw the group I stopped once I was eye to eye with the two that dared cross us. "Ruby?!" Yang said staring right at me with her mouth hanging open, the other stood silently by her side with his weapon at the ready. I started to vagily remember him, but then Yang ran forward and wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Oh little sis I missed you so much! We've looked everywhere for you!" She said into my shoulder. She took a step back and smiled at me, "I'm glad to see that your ok! Where have you been!?" She asked. Sighing I took out my weapon pointed at her then said, "Go away Yang." Pain flashed in her eyes. "Ruby I..." she started.

"Leave now. Or I will shoot you." I said rather darkly. Now she started to get angry, her eyes turned red. "Ruby your coming with us!" she yelled. "I won't say it again Yang." I said once more. She took a step forward so I pulled the trigger.

To be cont...

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