Ch.2:Sapphire vs Ruby-Round 2

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Sapphire pov

I stared into the lavender eyes of the girl who's butt I kicked back in the school. "Hmph you had a makeover I see." I sneered, she swung at me again but this time I blocked and countered giving her a swift kick to the stomach. Staggering backwards she shot forward and swung this time it was easy to tell that she was faster, she swung and I was barely able to block her strikes. Victor and Roman stood off to the side just watching not even trying to help. She swung then shot at me but I blocked and swung slicing into to the ground, I grunted but the sword was stuck in the floor. She kicked me backwards onto the ground and was about to hit me when I jumped backwards and landed on my feet.

"Your useless without your sword." She said. I ran at her spinning and kicking, she easily dodged but I was able to back her up enough where I could grab the hilt of my sword, it transformed into two blue hand guns. I fired at her but using an aura slash she easily blocked all the bullets and came running at me, she slashed and I tried my best to block or dodge but she had grown to fast for me to follow. She struck my leg causing me to fall, my guns slid out of my reach. She brought her blade down on me, rolling out of the way I kicked her feet out from under her. She fell with a thump but spun right back to her feet, I had just made it back to my when she swung leaving a gash across my arm.

Giving a moan of pain I jumped backwards, she swung and a large aura slash knocked me back hard into the wall. I groaned and fell to the floor. I fought to try to stay awake but the darkness took over, the last thing I heard was Ruby clash with Victor.

Roman pov

Sapphire was smashed into the wall, Red turned to face me. Twirling her scythe she started toward me but again Victor walked in her way. "So your next huh?" She questioned, he replide with a smirk and she ran at him with a yell. I was still trying to figure out what had happened to red, when they clashed. Their strikes echoed off the wall, Victor faired better against her then Sapphire had. His weapon morphed from a scythe of his own to ashield then into two swords, he kept her on her toes. I stood wondering where the heck Cinder and the others were.

To be cont....

(Sorry this chapter is so short. Ill try to make them longer.)

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