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Lights closed,
 I was startled,
 Trying to look around me.
 I immediately took a flashlight out of my pocket,
 Imitated by Kaito and Kyoko and the rest of our team.
 I was just looking around as I seemed to have an enlightenment
 “The new room !!  "
 I thought and almost screamed.
 So I started running ,not giving any details to anyone, I ran to get to this new room,
 Dice was there
 I knew
 I'll unlock Dice's secret
 Hello again, Detective Saihara ~
 I said taking the stone,

 I turned to look at him,
 He was so beautiful ...
I tried to catch my breath having finished running
 This voice..
 That smell ...
 It was him, I put my hand to it!
 Shuichi: Give me that stone!
 Did I say putting my hand in front of me,
 Waiting for him to put the stone in it.
I got closer,
 Reaching out my hand to give him the stone but ...
 I pulled him towards me
 Bringing him closer to me.
 I put one of my hand behind him ..
 I lift my mask slightly,
 Bringing my face closer to his.

I watched him do it,
 Panicking gently,
 But at the same time relaxed.
 His hand around my waist made me feel so light again,
 I wanted to give in to it.
 I still didn't quite understand what he was doing,
 Letting him do what he was doing,
 Even though I shouldn't.

I took him by the tie then ..
 I kissed him,
 Keeping me from blushing.
 You will be mine..
At this very moment,
 I didn't know what was going on ..
 All I knew was I should have pushed him away,
 But I did not do it,
 It was so good ...
 But I heard the sound of high heels approaching us, followed by boots.
 So I pushed him back in spite of myself,
 Still blushing a little
 Kirigiri: Shuichi!
I got pushed back.
 I looked around to see Kirigiri and other people.
 Should I save myself?
 Probably but I was still slightly in shock-
 I put my mask back on,
 Backing up slightly,
 Approaching the window to escape

I gave Kirigiri a rather cold look, my colleague from a young age, before looking away to continue running behind my mysterious masked man.
 The leader of Dice ...
 I followed him,
 Far ahead of our troops
 Shuichi: Come back ...
 had I weakly breathed


 I should have kept running but I stopped.
 Turning slightly to look at him
Seeing him stop running,
 I stopped too.
 Putting my hands on my knees to catch my breath.
 There must have been at least two meters between us.
 I wanted to collapse to the ground.
 Only the wind accompanied us
I looked at him and then I put the stone on the ground, Before I ran away, That was the first failed mission .. But it won't stop me.  I will be back..Mr. Detective

I watched him do it incredulously
 Shuichi: But wait-
 Did I scream
 Holding out my hand
 As if I had hopes of getting him again.
 But it was too late, he was already gone.
 I gently picked up the stone he had left behind.
 As I was dragging my feet back to the museum.
 Watching the scene over and over in my head

I went back home..
 Disappointed with myself.
 I was an idiot, I ruined everything.
 I'm sorry Saihara ..
I hurried to turn around to return to the museum,
 Going over the scene in my head.
 He had such soft lips ...
 Kirigiri: Shuichi, I think you're going to have to explain the situation to me-
 But I wasn't listening, I just handed her the stone before I walked around her to leave.
 I went to get my big coat, which was no longer totally mine, and I went home immediately.
 I needed to think,
 Again and again..
 What was he playing? ..
 And to think that I hardly knew anything about him,
 When he seemed to know everything, it was so disturbing.
[Next morning]

I woke up early this morning,
 I got dressed and then went out for my morning walk
 I stopped at the cafe to buy 3 coffees-
 I then headed to the police station,
 I spoke with the secretary then I went to Saihara's office,
 Knocking gently before going inside.


The nose still buried in the newspaper,
 Adding some information to my table,
 Always replacing the pieces of the puzzle,
 I lifted my head,
 Slightly amused by the situation
 Shuichi: Did you learn to knock on a door, Kaito?

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