"do you wanna play a game...?"

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 As you can see,
 we are all over the news,
 We have to be more careful ...
 The famous ultimate detective is trying to find the truth out for sure,
 But its not going to stop us.

 [30 min later ..]

 I wanted to play a bit ..
 This morning, I left a little message at the police station,

 "Do you want to play a little game ..?"

 I left it in front of the door with a small dice next to it.
 As Kyoko handed me hot coffee,
 The head of the police company opens the door to my office in a panic.
 Startling me and my coworker on occasion.
 He was brandishing a piece of paper all over the air
 He told me as he handed me this mysterious envelope.
 I gently took it in my hands,
 Turning it all around.
 "From Dice"
 My heart skipped a beat as I hurried to open the envelope.
 Letting out a faint scent of vanilla to escape it.
 "Do you want to play a game ..?"  "
 I looked up at Police Chief Kaito Momota, my eyes wide open as I passed the letter to my colleague, Kyoko Kirigiri, so she could take a look.
 I walked around the city.
 After what seemed like an hour of walking,
 I have arrived at my destination.
 "Byakuya Bank"
 I sneered slightly
 then I put down a second dice.
 With a second message.

" 0100100001100101011100100110010100101100011101000110111101100100011000010111100100101100001000000011000100110000001000000111000001101101 "

 Then I went home.
 Waiting for news ...
 While I still looked at Kaito without understanding,
 The phone in my office rang loudly,
 Making us all turn around at the same time with a start.
 I gently picked up the phone, hesitating
 Shuichi: Detective Saihara here..
 ???: Dice hit!
 Shuichi: W-what?! -
 ???: Dice left a code in binary alphabet.
 Shuichi: Can you tell me please?
 The man at the end of the line seemed to panic, starting to list all zeros and ones as I wrote them down on a piece of paper.
 As he hung up,
 Kyoko set her amethyst eyes on me
 Kirigiri: You think you can decipher it
 Shuichi: It's easy it's the binary alphabet, I did high school lessons, that means "here tonight 10 pm"
 Kyoko looked wide eyed
 Kirigiri: This is nonsense!  You don’t believe it do you?
 Kaito: It has to be a hoax!
 I looked away, nodding negatively
 Shuichi: A well-organized hoax anyway ...
 Kaito: Shuichi!
 Shuichi: I'll go ...
 Kyoko: I'm coming with you!  You throw yourself in the mouth of the wolf!
 I sighed
 Shuichi: No thanks I'll go alone ...
 Did I say, writing in a notebook

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