Chapter 15 (R)

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Hey guys. This is a general heads up/content warning.

This chapter contains an explicit sex scene. If you are reading this , you are consenting that you are at the age of 17 and above as per the guidelines.

Here is a quick link to the content guidelines if anyone needs a reminder:

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Rhia sat on the edge of the enormous bathtub in Nolan's bathroom and ran the water as hot as she could handle. The scent of vanilla and lavender wafted from the bubbles foaming up from the water. Next to that container was a bottle of woman's shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Right next to the tinted windows was a vase of white lilies, her favourite flowers, and a stack of thick, fluffy towels. Candles lined the countertops and shelves, casting the room in a dim, warm light, greatly appealing to her still pounding head.

She had searched every inch of this bathroom the last time she was here. His towels were old and worn, probably the same towels he'd been using for the last ten years. There hadn't been any bubble baths or salts, he only had men's shampoo, and not a single sign of candles or any kind of romantic touch. He'd done all of this with the hope of her coming back for another night. Damn that man! How was she supposed to be upset with him when he does this?

She slowly lowered herself into the enormous tub and tilted her head back against the edge. The hot water chased away the cold and eased her aching muscles and joints. The tension that had been weighing on her shoulders since the helicopter melted away. The sharp stabbing in her temples was reduced to a dull pounding.

A few minutes later, Nolan walked in carrying two glasses and a bottle of wine. He had lost his shirt, and his jeans hung low on his hips. The man was a god, wrapped in a fine layer of powerful muscles, but didn't have the weird dehydrated bulgy look. He took good care of himself. She liked that.

Her last, and only, adult relationship had been fraught with issues, even before he put his hands on her. Church functioned on an as-needed schedule. He didn't do laundry until he was completely out of underwear. He only washed dishes when he needed the dishes he washed, and he usually relied on takeout or microwaved meals anyway. When she had moved in, they'd had several conversations about how they were in an equal relationship. They both worked long hours in their industries, so they would need to be adults and divide up the work. Yet, somehow, she still managed to do everything around the house.

She wouldn't have to do that with Nolan. It felt so right to be here with him, even though they still had a lot to talk about.

He sat down on the step of the bathtub and placed the glasses down with a soft clink. "This bottle," he said quietly. "Came from a tiny little village in the Beaujolais region of France. At the time it was sold at the equivalent of about twenty dollars a bottle. Now it is worth over a thousand. It is worth every penny."

He popped the cork and poured her a healthy glass. "Are you trying to butter me up?" she asked with a smile and took the glass.

"You requested wine older than you." He winked. "This was bottled in nineteen-ninety."

She took a tentative sip, and a sigh escaped her lips. "Alright. You can join me."

He chuckled and rose to strip out of his pants. She watched his every move. God he was handsome. He slid into the water behind her and she relaxed against his hard body, letting her head rest on his shoulders. One of his arms snaked around her waist while the other stroked her hair. She could stay like this forever. "I know you have questions." He said softly.

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