Chapter 54

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Rhia slowed her run to a walk, then stopped completely. She looked around the completely unfamiliar forest. She had no way of getting her bearings. She had no idea where they were. She didn't even know if they were still in California.

She glanced over her shoulder at the children on her back. They were shaking, whether from cold or fear, she wasn't sure. "You three doing okay?" she asked.

The boy, who looked to be the oldest, nodded. The smaller girl sniffed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I want to go home." she whimpered.

"I know," Rhia tried to keep her voice calm. "Me too. Just hang in there."

She raised her head and tried to use her now enhanced senses. The forest was unnaturally quiet. She could smell the earth and the nature but had no idea what any of it meant. Just pick a direction and go, Rhia, she scolded herself. It doesn't matter where you end up, just get as far away from them as you can.

She started at an easy, loping jog again, trying to be as gentle as she could now that they were out of immediate danger. She couldn't imagine it was very comfortable for them on her back. Even though they barely weighed a thing to her, their feet kicking against her ribs was making it difficult for her to breathe evenly.

After a few minutes, she heard the unmistakable sound of moving water, and headed straight for it. Now that the adrenaline was beginning to filter out of her system, she was parched. And starving. When was the last time she had anything to eat or drink? As far as she could remember, she ate breakfast the morning of the gala, and a glass of wine that night... but everything else was black. How long had she been there? Days? Weeks? Months?

She mentally shook herself again. It didn't matter. All that mattered was getting away and finding Nolan. She wouldn't be able to relax until she was back in his arms.

She found the river and walked the bank until there was a calm spot where the hatchlings could slide off her back and drink their fill. It was cold and clear and tasted so damn good. She was exhausted. Her legs felt shaky from all the running. Her body and head were aching from the fight against that stupid cage. If she could stop and rest for an hour... but that wasn't possible. She didn't know how long it would be before they were back on their trail... if they weren't already.

As she thought it, a tree branch snapped behind her. Whirling around, she spread her wings to block the view of the children. She heard the shot of a high-powered rifle. She felt the bullet rip through her feathers and the thin flesh of her wing. She smelled the blood and heard the hatchlings screaming.

But she felt no pain. She only had eyes for the shooter. Richard. He worked with careful, smooth motions, to reload the weapon, a skill he had picked up over the years he'd been doing this. His green eyes, so different from hers or Maddox's, were stone cold. "Hide," she hissed at the hatchlings and took several steps towards the shooter.

Another shot rang out, and this time hit the joint of her wing. That she felt and a shriek ripped from her throat. The wing dropped uselessly, and blood puddled on the forest floor. He reloaded again, but this time his eyes swept the area for the hatchlings. They had already run behind the cover of a fallen tree. Richard couldn't see them, but Rhia could hear their stifled sobs. She started to edge in the opposite direction, dragging her wing behind her, and hoping to draw his attention back on her.

It worked. The barrel of the rifle swung around to aim at her again. "Do not make me chase you again." he barked. "It will be a lot more painful than it needs to be if you do."

She struggled to link to his mind, like he was resisting her. "So I'm just supposed to stand here and let you kill me?" she snapped.

"You are a lot of things, Rhia, but you were never stupid." His voice was terrifyingly cold and calm. "Think about it. I have been hunting creatures like you my whole life. It is my job to predict every move you will ever make. You found out what you were five minutes ago. I will kill you."

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