Chapter 13

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Lightning split through the dark sky and thunder came shortly after, shaking the earth below. Rhia huddled in her reflective coat, soaked to the bone and freezing. She bounced on the balls of her feet and tried to force her body to warm up. The firefighters were taking their sweet time with the jaws of life. All the urgent cases had already been cleared away from the massive accident, leaving a dozen or so vehicles with occupants waiting to be freed. None of the cars were on fire or in risk of causing any harm. Most of them were just penned in. Given that and the rain, no one was demanding they be pulled out of their warm, dry spaces to be manhandled by E.M.S.

A new set of flashing lights caught her attention and had her turning to watch another ambulance rolling up to the command tent. "Looks like the night shift is here." Michelle, her new temporary partner called over the rain.

Rhia waved to the E.M.T.s as they piled out of the bus. A broad smile stretched across her face as she recognized Ian walking towards her. His pale eyes brightened and ran the last few meters and wrapped her in a hug. "Gods, long time no see." He laughed, pulling back. "How's Maddox? How are you?"

"Maddy's good," she beamed. "He was released from the hospital on Monday. He is a royal pain in the ass patient at home."

"Family is always the worst. But you're back to work! Sucks that you got shoved onto the day shift."

"Worse." She groaned. "After Richard made his little phone call, corporate decided to implement a mental health wellness initiative with a union. After traumatic events, all E.M.T.s and paramedics have to be cleared by a therapist before coming back to work. They haven't figured out the definition of 'traumatic' yet and they can't agree on a therapist, but they can agree that I am a prime example. But they also can't have me sitting on the sidelines indeterminately, so they stuck me on the overlap shift. Monday to Friday, one to six, no weekends, no holidays, no overtime."

"Damn." He whistled. "They just shit all over your double-Thanksgiving-shift plan, didn't they?"

"Yep." She scowled and pulled the jacket tighter around herself, little good it would do. "My mom is very excited to have the whole family over for dinner for the first time in two years. Thanksgiving, the gala, Christmas... I figure after New Years I might be able to wriggle my way back onto the night shift."

"You haven't had dinner with your family in two years?" Michelle asked.

"Eavesdropper." Rhia teased, and the younger woman flushed.

"You'd understand if you knew her family." Ian snorted derisively.

"Oh, come on. It can't be that bad."

Rhia and Ian both laughed harshly. They had worked with Michelle on and off in the last year when she started. She was sweet, naïve, and a bit of an idealist. But she was good at her job, as were most of the people they worked with. "Racist adopted father, even more racist godfather who is a captain for the L.A.P.D.," Rhia counted off on her fingers. "Who are both friends with a doctor who lost his medical license because of unethical practices. There's also my cop brother who can't stand to be around our godfather, his K-9 partner who is way too intuitive, and my sweet, innocent mother, bless her soul, who tries way too hard to see the good in people, even if there isn't any to speak of."

Michelle made a face like she was going to argue again, but she was interrupted by Rhia's phone blasting corny disco music from her pocket. "Seriously?" Michelle snorted as Ian roared with laughter. "Who listens to disco anymore?"

"I had to get a new phone." Rhia's face was burning red. "Maddox had to help me set it up. He thinks he's funny, and I can't figure out how to change it. Hello?"

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