Chapter 29

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Four dragons stood at the doors. Luna was actually glowing with power, an aura of blue and violet pulsing around her. The sheer level of power behind her was a sharp contrast to the enticing smile and the casual way she dressed.

Behind her were the three much, much larger males of her kind. Quin was a massive golden statue of serene power and barely disguised distaste for the whole affair. Beside him was Ares, his sworn brother. Dark skinned, dark haired, with a pair of bronze eyes and a feral look on his face, like he would be more than happy to shed his human skin and tear everyone in the room to pieces.

On Quin's other side was Ozin. He was the least intimidating of the present dragons, though still impressive. There was a green tinge to his brown hair and his eyes were a mix of earthy greens and browns.

Four dragons. Where was Nekros?

Luna sauntered down the stairs and gave Serirnil a dazzling smile. "Arkil Serirnil," she drawled. "It's been a while, hasn't it? You look good. Like, really good."

"What are you doing here?" Serirnel snarled. "You didn't want to be a part of the counsel. You have no right-"

"Look at the little boy baring his teeth." Ares barked out a laugh, his voice like gravel and sending a different kind of chill through the room. "Daring to tell us what we have the right to do."

Luna giggled and turned her silver eyes to Atticus. Heat flared in her eyes. "Hello," she said curiously. "I don't think we've officially met. I'm Luna."

She leaned across the desk to take in his whole appearance. Nolan could hear the rapid pounding the male's heart, but he managed to keep a straight face and bowed to the dragon. "Atticus Shaw, great one."

She licked her lips seductively. "Atticus," she half-whispered his same. "You are a bear of a man, aren't you?"

Despite himself, a snort of laughter escaped Nolan's lips. He was rewarded with a smile of his own from Luna. As she did, she finally caught sight of Zesstra between them. A single silver eyebrow rose questioningly. Ozin was at her side in a second, leaning across the desk to get a better look at her. "Well, I'll be damned." He said softly. "An honest to gods Shadowblade. I thought your family was eradicated eons ago."

"Not all of us, great ones." Zesstra's voice shook as she answered.

"I can see that. Tell me, have you inherited-"

Ozin stopped and Nolan flinched. He could feel Quin's oppressive power filling the room. Whatever he was about to ask, it was clearly not the purpose of their being here. Luna gave Atticus a wink, mouthed 'call me', and turned spectacularly and approaching the xiezhi. She bowed dramatically. "If you don't mind, dear speaker. My colleagues and I would like to take the floor."

The creature did not argue. It lowered its head in respect and backed away. While the rest of the dragons made their way down to the centre to join her, she pushed the papers off the podium and hopped up to sit on it. The room got colder, and ice began to form along the walls, making its way back to the doors and sealing them shut with magic a hundred times the strength used before. "Please, sit." Quin addressed the room calmly. "There is a great deal for us to discuss."

Nolan met Atticus's eyes and tilted his head towards Zesstra. He nodded and took the girl by the shoulder, leading her up the stairs to his place. The massive silver shepherd followed loyally. It took Nolan until he returned to his own seat before he realized exactly why he recognized the shifter. Wasn't that Maddox's dog?

The only representatives left standing were, predictably, the elves. Ozin raised a hand and vines exploded out of the ground, wrapping themselves around their limbs and forced them back into their chairs. "This gathering is to encourage the diplomatic cooperation of all the species!" Arkil shouted. "You are..."

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