Prologue: Part 1

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Thank you for choosing to read Dragon Blood. I hope you enjoy my story, and I look forward to reading any comments, criticism, and advice. This is a first draft, so some details may change along the way and there may be some continuity issues. 

This story will include erotic chapters down the line and include the bondage, dominance, and submission parts of BDSM. Such chapters are marked and prefaced with a warning.

I have made some general grammar/formatting edits as of 2022, so a lot of the comments are no longer attached to the paragraphs. (RIP 💀) 



Nekros reached out and gently ran his hand along the smooth surface of the egg. A dull red light flared where his fingers touched the obsidian black shell. His lips curled into a smile. His daughter was strong. 

She was the first dragon hatchling since the beginning. The first since he and the other originals hatched in the beginning of all things. She had billions of years of built up power and magic passed down to her. 

 She would be his legacy.

There was a knock on the door behind him, and it opened softly. "You summoned me?" the woman spat bitterly.

He winced slightly at how harsh her words were. Nekros half turned to look at the newcomer. Phoenix stood as far away from their egg as she could with her back against the wall, as close to the door as she could without morphing into the concrete. Her fiery eyes illuminated her sharp features in the dark room. Despite the rage in her eyes and the hostility in her features, he knew that it wasn't entirely for him. "I thought you might want to be present for the hatching of our child." He said softly.

Now that anger was entirely directed at him. "Your child." She corrected bitterly. "I don't want anything to do with it."

Nekros sighed heavily. He was hesitant to step away from his daughter. There had been several incidents over the last ten months, forcing Nekros to have her escorted at all times while on the property. He also had at least two guards on the hatchery door when he wasn't around. 

He took a careful step towards Phoenix. When she didn't move, he let his hand fall away from the precious life and approached his mate. She held perfectly still until he was right in front of her and let him pull her away from the wall enough that he could wrap an arm around her waist. All the tension poured out of her and she rested her forehead against his shoulder.

"It's not too late, you know." She said quietly. "We can take it to Ares and Keoni. Or Ozin and Tiamat. They would take care of it. Any of them would be excellent parents."

Nekros stiffened, and she tensed all over again. He pulled his arm away and looked at a spot just over her head. "We've been through this." He said with cold patience. "I do not expect you to be a mother to the child. But I do expect you to accept that I will be her father."

He turned away from his mate, the female he had spent so many eons and would spend the rest of his considerable life with. "This is not what we agreed to." She hissed.

"I agreed to never force you to have hatchlings." He snapped back. "I agreed to never force you to bond. That was your idea. You knew there was a higher chance of getting pregnant during the process.  Do not act like I did this on purpose."

He reached out and rested his hand on the egg again. He could already feel a connection with the child. 

"How many billions of years have Ozin and Tiamat been trying to have hatchlings?" He heard Phoenix's low growl. "What are the fucking odds?"

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