Chapter 24

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Luna sat straight up in bed gasping. She reached out with her link. "Nekros?!"

No answer. The brief moment of their reconnection was already broken. But the magic continued to linger in the air. She inhaled deeply, basking in the sweet familiarity. A dozen kin were trying to link to her. They felt it too. Nekros was smart. If he found a way to reach out, he would have reached out to all of them. She needed to talk to Soliel. She slipped out of the bed and ripped open a drawer to get dressed. "What are you doing?" Constantine grunted. "Come back to bed."

"I have to go." She told him. "Go back to sleep."

"Wait." Suddenly awake, he scrabbled to follow her. "You can't go. We just got back together!"

He reached out to take her arm. She tried to step out of his reach, but he caught hold of her shirt and pulled her to a stop. "I'll be back soon."

She wasn't sure if it were a lie. Probably not. Rhiannon was in this city, so she would have to come back eventually. Soon was a relative term anyway.

"Luna, please." He begged, standing and wrapping his arm around her waist. "I need you right now. Just a little longer. I have to go to Paris soon, anyway."

It took a fraction of her strength to push him away. "Finally going to deal with Raphaël?" She snorted disbelievingly. "It's been, what, two hundred years since he started plotting against you?"

"The time is right. He's getting bold. I'll come back with Nolan at my side and solidify my hold in Europe. I only need a few more weeks, Luna, please, stay."

Luna looked around sharply. "What do you mean? Nolan is coming back?" she snapped.

Constantine stood naked before her. Black cracks marred his perfect, marble-white skin. His red eyes glimmered in the low light. He radiated with unstable power. She really needed to stop letting him feed from her. He shrugged at her question. "I'm taking him back." He answered slowly, as if confused by her reaction. "I need him with me."

"Are you out of your mind?!" she hissed. "Soleil told you to leave him alone!"

He rolled his eyes. "After I'd already talked to him. He can't tell me not to do something I've already done."

"You know he's not going to see it like that! Why didn't you tell... oh fuck," she felt suddenly sick. "What did you do with the female Nolan is with?"

Content with having her attention, he sat down on the edge of the bed and relaxed. "Nothing," he cooed with all the confidence in the world. "Not for lack of trying. She's stronger than she looks. I can't wait to get a taste. I like them feisty."

"Do not!"

Constantine eyes flared and a smirk spread across his face. "Jealous?" he teased, standing again and resting his hands on her hips. "It's alright. I can share. You'll like her too."

She slapped him, a sickly feeling of disgust washing over her skin.

"What do you care?" he snapped, rubbing his cheek. "Nolan's going to leave her, like he leaves all the unworthy trash when I have no need of him. When that happens, I'm free to do what I like with her. I'm thinking of turning her. I'm starting to have a thing for redheads."

Luna was on top of him in the blink of an eye, wrapping a hand around his throat and leaning over him. He glared hungrily up at her despite the frost beginning to form on his skin. "Do not." She snarled again. Her aura of rage was in perfect control, not expanding much more than an inch off her body. Her silver hair began to emit waves of blue and violet light. "You and your own are not to turn anyone while you in the States."

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