Mass and Velocity

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Subject 3281's eyes narrowed. The two had recently stepped off the elevator into a small corridor housing a camera and a door at the far end. They had entered the door—which had been unlocked—and had come into a room similar to their sleeping quarters, but without the cots, considerably larger, and with the additions of a camera and speaker above the door on the far wall.

She took a few steps towards the center of the room, and tried to determine exactly what its purpose might be, though her partner stayed behind at the—now sealed—entrance.

"Hello, and—again—welcome to the Aperture Science Co-operative Testing Initiative." Subject 3281 looked in surprise to the speaker on the wall across from them. This was a new voice. Not human, but not the usual male robot they had become accustomed to hearing either. This was a female voice.

"We here at Aperture Science would like to congratulate you on getting this far. Because of your—outstanding—testing record, we have provided you with a—five minute—break. Feel free to roam the test chamber during your—break." Subject 3281 cocked her head slightly as she attempted to comprehend this new and confounding message. A break? When was the last time any test subject had been allowed a break from the world of science?

Her partner stirred behind her, and she looked back. The boy had dropped his gun, and was now running his hand along the wall to his left, as if finding an inconsistency in its sheer gray face would be a personal triumph. The crease between her brows became more defined, and she turned away. At least he had something to do during the five minute 'break' they had been given. What could she do? What was she supposed to do?

After about a minute's deliberation—about a fifth of their alleged 'break'—Subject 3281 came to the conclusion that resting on the floor and bettering her aim would be in perfect compliance with the 'break' afforded. She did just that, and her partner continued his tour of the chamber.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Subject 3281 looked to the speaker above the exit door. Their five minutes were up, she was sure. So where is

"Excellent," said the new voice, right on cue. "You have behaved wonderfully. Your—walking—and—sitting—skills exceed the average level by—[large percent here]." Subject 3281 exchanged a look with her partner. She could see amusement written in the lines of his haggard face, and she herself was rather diverted by the obvious—and wonderfully passive-aggressive—intentions of the scientists in charge of the AI directing them.

"Please exit the chamber and complete the next assigned test. If you become lightheaded from thirst, feel free to pass out." Again, the two partners shared a glance, his of further amusement it seemed, and hers of mild concern. This new voice, this Artificial Intelligence seemed a lot less artificial, and a lot more intelligent than the last robotic voice that had spoken to them.

Her thoughts were re-directed to the test at hand however, as the lock on the circular door clicked to green, and the door opened. She moved to stand in front of the door, but waited for her partner to retrieve his gun to venture inside. As soon as he had joined her before the circular opening, she led the way into the next chamber.

The room was surprisingly large, with a door on the far wall to their left. There was a ledge that one could easily portal to to their immediate left, and two other elevated ledges; one on that same wall, and one across from them on the far wall. There were various patches of portal-surfaces running along each wall, presumably to be used in reaching its corresponding level.

Subject 3281; Chell's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now