Acknowledgments and My Thoughts on a Possibe "Portal" Series...

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If there is anyone out there reading this, then Hallo! Honestly, I'm surprised you stuck around this long; those breaks took WAYYYYY longer than I expected! This has been a long ride.

First off, I need to thank a few people. I'd like to thank my friend Thegoldguy for believing in me from the start, and I'd also like to thank Miss_Fortuned for being my first real reader, and the first to inspire me to finish this, no matter how long it ended up taking in the end; thank you so much for sticking through it, it means the world to me!

Okay, on to business... I really loved writing this, and want to know what y'all think of the idea of me writing "novelized" versions of both of the Portal games. I know it's been done before, but I think it could be really great, and not to mention, a whole lot of fun for me to write!

If I were to do this, Chell would have the personality I have given her here, and would think and act as I believe she would, so it's not going to play out exactly like you probably played the Portal games, though it will follow the game's storyline. Unless you don't want it to, that is... ;)

You see, here's what I'm thinking... you comment (or contact me directly with a personal message through Wattpad,) what you would like to see happen—if you want it to happen at all—and I try to make it happen in the best and most logical way I can fit it into the story.

You want Chell to injure herself again? Done.

You want a Rattman sighting? Um, okay.

You want Chell to bypass the "Different" turret? I'll see what I can do... you monster.

You want Chell to have actually suffered a, 'veeeery minor case... of serious brain damage'? Sure!

You want Chell spending more time with Wheatley? As you wish.

Heck, you want a freaking Chelley fanfic?!? I. Shall. Try.

Your literary wish is my command.

I do have one condition though; no boyxboy or girlxgirl. I apologize in advance for all of the offense I may be causing, but I don't believe I will ever feel comfortable (nor would I do a god job of) writing that sort of stuff. So no GLaDOSxChell, or WheatleyxRick or Space, or anything... So, If you want that, I suggest you find another author. Okay, I'm done with the serious stuff now, let's get back to the pleasantries!

I know I said just a second ago that I only had one condition, but I may just have another... I will only start writing this if at least one person writes me a usable idea. Writing a novelization of Portal 1 and 2 will be hard enough as it is without inspiration, so I'd like to know that someone actually supports me in this.

Go team! (Btw, if you read that in Wheatley's voice, you're a legend!)

I also could write a spin-off series—I've been developing it for a while—that explains what Chell does after she "escapes" the Facility in Portal 2. It's set after the Combine invasion has been cleared up, and when another—more winning, but forceful nonetheless—alien race called the Scleth... well, you'll find out soon enough. If you want to, that is. ;)

Now, I know that it's super unlikely that anyone will ever even see this fanfic (let alone read it,) but if you have—as I'm assuming you have—then you have my eternal gratitude. Thank you, whoever you are! I'm proud to say that I built my little form of science from scratch, 'no hand-holding', as they do it in Aperture. ;)

With that said; good luck, always bring a banana to a party, may the force be with you, don't blink, and remember; when life gives you lemons, DON'T MAKE LEMONADE!

-Unison Beck

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