three | III

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the day had come for training at the jade chamber to begin. (y/n) was brimming with excitement, which caught the attention of inazami.

"what's got you so ecstatic?" she finally asked. her pen hovered over the multitude of papers scattered in front of her as she waited for an answer.

"i'm glad you asked!" (y/n) stood up so quickly that her chair screeched against the wooden floors, earning a grimace from the ferrylady. "today is the day i learn how to kick some ass. zhongli told me that i need to learn how to protect myself if i ever plan on adventuring outside of liyue."

inazami rested her cheek in her hand, grey eyes flittering downwards. "he's not wrong about that."

"you know, the more i hear about teyvat, the more i want to see every inch of it," (y/n) pondered. she leaned on the windowsill as she watched the city go on with its usual busy morning, admiring the golden leaves that followed the wind's lead. inazumi looked up from her work to watch the scene unfold.

(y/n)'s gaze lingered on a few children playing a game of tag near the bridge, a small smile appearing on her face. she turned to the desk the ferrylady sat behind and played with the hem of her dress, an unusual tendency for the girl.

"it might sound weird but... i feel like i've been here before. i mean—know i have, but somehow the city feels so distant yet so familiar," she admired the vase of glaze lilies sitting on a decorative stand. her fingers caressed the petals gently, as if she was trying not to hurt them.

"oh, well..." inazami was at a loss for words. the girl's expression was one she couldn't quite place her finger on, and it tugged at her heartstrings. "perhaps once you get used to living here it'll start to feel like home."

this earned a melodious chuckle from (y/n) as she stood upright. "i'm sure you're right, inazami. you are one of the smartest people i know, after all."

and one of the only ones she knows... the ferrylady noted mentally. she shook out of her daze and addressed (y/n) once more.

"don't you have somewhere to be this morning?"

"oh my goodness, i completely forgot! i have to meet ganyu at the chamber!" she rushed to the door to slip on her shoes, almost tripping as she leaned against the door frame for support. "tell zhongli i'll be returning this afternoon, and don't overwork yourself while i'm gone or you'll be dealing with an angry (y/n) later."

inazami sighed as she watched her friend rush out the door, leaving in her place the usual stillness of the funeral parlor. she wondered how (y/n) had already forgotten after she had been brimming with excitement mere minutes before. that girl was a mystery, and one that didn't need solving. at least, not yet.


(y/n) stood bent in half, panting as if she had just run a marathon. she had hardly expected the jade chamber to be such a challenge to get to, nor that it would be so high up in the air. it was safe to say her legs shook the whole way up, even with reassurance from the man who operated the lift.

"oh dear... are you alright, (y/n)? surely nothing happened to you on your way here?" ganyu patted her back reassuringly, leaning down to match the girl's form.

"no, no, don't worry about me," she offered a flimsy thumbs up, lifting her head to meet ganyu's gaze. "i'll be just fine as long as this thing doesn't experience turbulence... it won't, right?"

ganyu laughed, hooking her arm through (y/n)'s and leading her towards an open arena down a long, luxurious path.

"of course not. the jade chamber has been at peace for millennia. that won't be changing anytime soon,"

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