nineteen | XIX

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2000 years ago.

"alright, that should do it," bosacius swiped her hands together as whatever remaining moisture evaporated from her palms.

the last of the water supply was finally loaded onto the cavalry and set on a course for home. it was not unusual for her to assist the villagers in their day to day tasks, in fact, it brought her a sense of community knowing they were well-off with her assistance. it saved them the trouble and left her content knowing that she wasn't feared by the likes of the people she loved so.

"your strength is such a blessing. we would have been here until sundown if you had not shown up when you did," the village maiden wiped the sweat from her brow, keeping a keen eye on the children splashing around in the nearby waters. "these little rascals look delighted to be spared from their duties."

bosacius chuckled, tousling the hair of the little boy as he ran up to excitedly show off a lotus head that he had plucked from a nearby stock. "ah, there is no issue. i would take on any burden if it meant i could see their smiles."

"daiyu told me they taste sweet like sunsiettas!" the little boy exclaimed. bosacius hoisted him into her arms as he picked at the white seed protruding from the flat part of the head.

"is that so?"

"it's true," the older girl, presumably daiyu, said eagerly. "try it, mingyu."

mingyu didn't hesitate to take a bite from the fruit. bosacius watched with amusement as he made a displeased face the moment he began to chew. "it's bitter!"

daiyu giggled mischievously before sprinting away. bosacius set down her brother and watched as he took off after her to seek revenge. their mother sighed, shaking her head as they splashed around in the water to see who could get more soaked.

"sorry for the trouble. come home with us and i will prepare you some dinner as thanks," she offered.

once the horses had been properly stowed away for the night, bosacius brought the buckets to the well near the town center. they were lucky to have returned right before night fell. now, lanterns lit the edges of the pathway. the remaining villagers who lingered out and about were headed home after spending the day finishing the rest of the construction in guili plains.

"where were you this afternoon?"

bosacius snapped out of her daze, startled.

staring back at her were familiar honey eyes. he sat perched on top of the roof of the well, the teal streaks in his long hair were illuminated in the moonlight, and the sleeves of his robe hung loosely over his pale skin. a smile turned the corner of her lips as she drained the last bucket into the depths below.

"i was at luhua pool assisting the villagers," she replied casually.

alatus hopped down to her level and leaned against the cobblestone of the well. bosacius' sleeves were rolled up to her elbows and she held the bucket's handle with both hands at her front. he took a long pause to take in her essence before responding.

"you are an adeptus," he said. "and one of morax's trusted yakshas. your status goes above that of villager tasks, surely you remember."

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