two | II

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that morning, she had almost expected to wake up in a domain again. instead, (y/n) was greeted with a barren apartment bedroom. the only thing worth note was the large bed in the center of the room provided by her resurrector and friend, zhongli. she still wasn't sure how to get used to the daily bustling life in liyue harbor—much less make a living for herself after being underground for who knows how long. a good start would be to head over to the wangsheng funeral parlor for her first day on the job.

she had awoken earlier than expected. it had been pitch black outside during the hour right before sunrise when she was already wide awake and alert. however, something peculiar showed up on her bedside table sometime during the night.

it was a purple glass ornament that had some sort of whirling design engraved within it. it was small enough to fit in the palm of her hand and was lined with delicately forged silver. and for the life of her, (y/n) could not figure out what it was or where it had come from.

the girl somehow finessed her way onto the roof of her apartment as the sun began to peek over the horizon, spending some time fiddling with the contraption. she did what anybody would: stare at it until it wielded to the force of her mind, which was... unsuccessful to say the least. she even debated using her teeth to try and force the thing to do something—anything at this point. it seemed her efforts would be postponed until later.

once she got yelled at by a freaked-out neighbor seeing her at such a dangerous height, she hopped down onto her balcony and slinked back into her apartment with a quick smile and wave.

the sun creeping over the horizon told her that it was time to go consult zhongli. perhaps he would know something about the strange contraption. (y/n) tucked it into a crevice in her new clothes, courtesy of zhongli (where was he getting all this money from?), and headed outside to greet the morning as it entered teyvat.


(y/n)'s official fit

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(y/n)'s official fit

credit: minkyu lee featured in artstation


the ferrylady was quick to greet (y/n) as soon as she stepped in the door, to which she happily reciprocated before they began chatting to pass the time. it took only a short conversation for the girl to realize just how forboding the ferrylady really was.

"it's the same thing as always," she said, adjusting her perfectly parted bangs to be even more symmetrical. "i stare death in the eye when others dare not. i do not speak in front of the families of those who have passed in order to respect customs, so please pay no mind if i seem distant at times."

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