twelve | XII

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"i was beginning to worry that the millelith caught you," zhongli said upon her arrival. he turned to face her from his position looking off the nearby balcony, arms patiently folded over his chest.

"haha," she drawled her words sarcastically. "that's absurd... wait, am i still a criminal?"

he tilted his head. "why would that be?"

waving her hands in the air, the girl pretended to laugh it off. "oh, nothing to be concerned about. did you get the perfume?"

"i did. and you?"

she rang the bell softly as an answer. his head dipped approvingly. "good. onto other matters, i've already commissioned granny shan for the kites we needed. all that's left is to pay for them, which..."

"—is already taken care of," both of their heads turned to see childe's slim figure approaching with a wave.

"ah, childe. i wasn't expecting to see you here this afternoon," zhongli greeted, extending an arm to shake his hand firmly. he really didn't know when to turn business mode on and off.

the newcomer dropped an arm around (y/n)'s shoulders as if they were old pals. however, when she tried to pull away, he only held on tighter.

sighing, she decided to be nice as not to disrespect someone zhongli regarded fondly. "hey there."

"(y/n)! you were gone quite a while there. did those leads serve you well?"

zhongli eyed the two, curious as to when they met, but decided to stay out of it. "i'll go ahead and get the kites while you two catch up. i'll be back momentarily."

her gaze burned into his back, wishing he hadn't left her alone with the harbinger. she just needed to stay on her guard, simple as that.

"so? how'd it go?" childe inquired impertinently, blue eyes blinking against the sun.

"it was... fine, i didn't find out much about what i was searching for,"

he finally moved away so he could lean his back against the railing, propping one foot on the ledge and steadying himself with his palms. even when slanted away from her, he still managed to tower overhead.

he patted the spot next to him to which she obliged. no need to be so cold, i suppose... his lead allowed me to find xiao, after all.

his next question threw her for a loop. "did moon carver make any mention of rex lapis' passing?"

"actually, he wasn't aware at all. neither were the others."

"others?" he seemed to perk up. "you found more adepti?"

(y/n) eyed him carefully, but he seemed to direct his focus on the various people passing by. maybe it would have been better to keep her mouth shut. in return, she decided to interrogate him.

"what's all this i'm hearing about a partnership with the funeral parlor? i've been told that your little... underlings have caused quite the ruckus while i was gone," she played with the ends of her hair insouciantly.

out of the corner of her eye, she saw his lips turn up in an amused smirk. air audibly escaped his nose in an unmotivated chortle. his finely structured features made it understandable why he got away with so much, she hated to admit.

"oh, curious about my work, are we?" his undertones were teasing, causing her cheeks to puff slightly. "as much as i'd love to tell you, it's a secret. maybe when we get a little closer i can reveal everything to you."

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