four: part one | IV

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a few days had gone by since (y/n)'s training at the jade chamber. the city had been buzzing about the rite of descension; a ceremony that celebrated the geo lord coming down from the heavens to bless the people with next year's good fortune. during all this excitement, the funeral parlor had been busier than usual and had a lot more on their hands than just memorial services.

one thing (y/n) noticed was how strange zhongli had been acting for the past few days. he was seemingly more distant, and oftentimes, she caught him deep in thought and unaware of his surroundings. such as now, where he stood with his arms behind his back, gazing out the window as he had been for the past ten minutes.

since inazami was off somewhere else at the moment, it was only (y/n) and zhongli in the parlor's lobby. she finished cleaning up the ferrylady's desk and brushed her hands together with a proud huff of air. turning her attention to her employer, the girl quietly moved to stand beside him, her arm lightly grazing his in the process.

he jumped, startled.

"oh, dear, i didn't see you there," he murmured, relief coursing through his chest as he cleared his throat. (y/n) bent forward a tad, tilting her head up to take a good gander at him.

"you've been pretty distant lately. penny for your thoughts?" she gently tapped him on the nose. his lips parted momentarily, expressing how he was hesitant to answer.

"you're a perceptive one, aren't you?" he already knew that, though. nothing ever got past (y/n). sighing, he fiddled with his glove, emitting an off-putting aura. "let's go on a walk. i believe the sun is beginning to set, and i would hate to miss it."

she nodded in agreement. a short while later, the pair found themselves taking a quiet stroll along the harbor, admiring the gentle waves in silence. it was never an uncomfortable silence, though, rather the kind you could only share with someone with who you have the closest of bonds.

reluctantly, (y/n) chose to break the silence by prodding him again. "so, z, what's on your mind?"

"it's simply the rite of descension and the workload that comes with it. director hu brings it upon herself to come and dictate all our business for the week. let's just say she's... a handful."

it was strange hearing zhongli speak about another person in such a manner. he was always so nonchalant, so upon hearing this, (y/n) faltered slightly. is director hu really so difficult that even zhongli is put off-kilter?

"i see," the girl let his words sink in as she pondered what to say next. fortunately, he took up the slack and spoke once more.

"worry not, it's nothing i can't handle. all challenges are learning experiences, is that not correct?" zhongli put a gentle hand on her shoulder, a small, reassuring smile on his face. however, she sensed there was more to the story.

"that can't be all, right? you know you can always confide in me, i'll do my best to listen or offer advice, whichever you need most," she pointed to her ears and mouth as she spoke, ending her sentence by jutting that same finger to her companion's chest. his amber eyes searched her face briefly before he busted out in hearty laughter. it wasn't a ridiculing laugh, but a genuine one.

"little miss (y/n), you really haven't changed in the slightest," he wiped sprouting tears from the corner of his eye and reached down to pat her head. "i shouldn't concern you with everything on my mind, you have your own things to deal with at the moment."

he loved to be mysterious, that's for sure. while she wished he would let her help, she decided not to overstep his boundaries. she let out her own unenthused laugh, slouching slightly as he rubbed her head. "ah... of course,"

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