nine | IX

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li ding had successfully been broken out of his amber prison and returned to his brother. (y/n) was showered with thanks from the two, xiao as well, but with a little less enthusiasm. once they bid farewell they took off in a rush to leave the mountain, careful not to trigger any more amber during their descent.

"well, that should teach them not to go wandering in the 'adeptal realm,' huh?" she joked, playing on xiao's words from when they initially met. her wit was met with silence.

frowning, she turned, ready to bash him playfully for his lack of response. the girl froze, confused as to why the boy stared at her with such intensity.

"hey, i know it wasn't funny, but you don't have to scrutinize me like that," she chided, leaning in to pinch his cheek like she knew he hated. this time, he remained stock-still. her eyes narrowed in concern, followed by furrowed eyebrows. "what's the matter with you?"

seemingly out of nowhere, his hand latched onto her wrist and pulled her towards his sturdy body. her chest clashed with his as she was tugged in. he held an iron grip on her wrist that seemed inescapable. she protested out of shock but was quickly hushed when she met his wide-eyed gaze.


"just who are you?"

he asked with such force that her mind suddenly went blank. she could feel his shallow breathing, and she was sure he could feel her racing heartbeat with the closeness between them. strands of hair fell across her cheekbones when she tilted her head up to examine him the same way he did to her.

"i'm (y/-"

"i'll ask again. who are you?"

it was beginning to feel like he had trapped her on purpose so she wouldn't be able to avoid the question.

     what does he mean? i'm...

a feeling she didn't like began to rise in her throat, and it choked her, rendering her unable to speak. suddenly, her name didn't feel familiar to her anymore.

"please... you remember, don't you?" he murmured pleadingly; his expression was one of sorrow. she could tell by the way his jaw was clenched that he had realized something she couldn't begin to grasp.

the honey-colored irises she stared into reflected her own face, but it wasn't hers. perhaps it was a manifestation of her past self suddenly reappearing through his own memories, but it still seemed to be just out of her reach.

it reminded her of when she first met zhongli, or rather, reunited with a stranger. he had searched her face for something that wasn't quite there, just like xiao was doing now. it broke her heart to shake her head in silent lamentation.

his fingers slowly released his grip, leaving red marks in its place. as he pulled away, the air between them shifted into something tense. she wished to tell him everything, but she didn't even know everything. her heart ached to be able to soothe his despair.

in the end, there was nothing she could do.

"you intrude upon the sanctity of mount hulao, you destroy the amber of my mountain, and you free a thief whose freedom is not yours to give," a new voice chimed in, and a crane with red and black feathers descended from the domain. "adeptus xiao, one finds that your presence here is unexpected and... gratuitous. who is this girl that accompanies you?"

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