epilogue | ✦

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     the lull of quiet conversation beckoned her into awakening. she refused to open her eyes—not yet—and opted to gradually recover from the grogginess instead.

     a warmth emanated at her side. it took her a moment to realize, but after feeling the gentle vibrations of a voice, she realized who was holding her in a gentle embrace.

     xiao. she must have fallen asleep again at some point during the day. somehow, after being unconscious for weeks, her body still felt the need to catch up on rest.

     the girl debated on whether she should make her regained consciousness known or pretend to stay asleep simply to stay like this a little longer.

     when xiao's fingers gently brushed through her hair like that, it was hard to stay strong. feathered touches ran up and down the length of her exposed arm and she felt strangely at ease. she decided she would remain comfortable for now.

     "baizhu should be by the pharmacy shortly. would you like me to retrieve her medication while he is here?" the other voice in the room was low and calculated. zhongli, she mused to herself. xiao paused to check the temperature of her forehead. instead of the usual cloth of his gloves, she felt the bare skin of his cool palm.

     "her fever has been reduced to almost nothing, but it would be beneficial to restock in case it returns. we hardly have anything left since the last visit," the adeptus responded softly.

     zhongli hummed. "good judgment. are you in need of your antidotes, as well?"

     the yaksha went still momentarily before resuming his caresses. with an ear to his chest, it was easy to hear the hesitant sigh he emitted.

     "i won't be needing them anymore."

     "oh, is that so?" she could sense zhongli's raised eyebrows from across the room. "why might that be?"

     "i ran out of those painkillers a long time ago. ever since she has returned, the karmic debt seems to have been reduced to mere whispers." as he said this, he tugged her a little closer. her chest tightened longingly.

     "i am happy to hear that, xiao."

     "disregard my forwardness, but may i ask why you have stuck around thus far? for the past two weeks, you have been around her as often as i have. it strikes me as a little strange that her boss would care so fervently."

     way to go, xiao, you don't sound possessive in the slightest, (y/n) thought. she wanted to be angry at his passive-aggressiveness, but she guiltily wanted to hear zhongli's response. there was a pregnant silence in the air before he spoke up.

     "it feels like you are fishing for something in particular. is there something on your mind?" he finally said.

     "is rex lapis truly gone?"

     that was not the question she would have expected from him. her ears picked up on quiet sipping, from what she assumed was zhongli's teacup.

     "what makes you think i would have the answer?"

     "you strike me as the kind of man who knows more than he lets on," xiao quipped.

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