thirteen | XIII

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(y/n) had been uncharacteristically quiet for the remainder of their visit with bubu pharmacy. other than her goodbyes to qiqi and baizhu, she hadn't spoken a word since her return from her last minute rush.

zhongli was watchful. this didn't go unnoticed. "is something on your mind, dear (y/n)?"

she spared a side-eye towards the man before returning her gaze to the pavement her feet walked on. should she tell him of her discovery just now?

despite her internal battle waging on, she chose to keep it to herself until the right moment. "i'm alright, z. peachy keen."

the softness of her voice couldn't quite conceal the truth from zhongli. she refused to meet his stare despite feeling it burn a hole straight through her head. a barely audible sigh left his slightly parted lips and he absentmindedly swept an arm across (y/n)'s lower back to guide her past the parlor.

"did we miss something?" she commented, whipping her head back and forth between zhongli and the workplace he so-obviously avoided. the girl assumed that perhaps they needed another item for the rite of parting but was quickly shut down when he responded.

"nothing of the sort. i would simply like to treat you to dinner at the third-round knockout."

"oh, really?" her (e/c) irises shimmered mischievously, replacing the indistinct sheen from before. "with what mora?"

"we will burn that bridge when we get to it," he shrugged.

"i don't think that's how the phrase is supposed to go..."

third-round knockout was located in the downtown labyrinth alongside every other vendor stand. lanterns illuminated the cool stone brick path and cast a dim glow on the faces of the passerbys, including (y/n) and zhongli's. nighttime had long since fallen, meaning that the children of liyue would be home for the day.

all who would be lounging about now would be the drunkards tossing mora towards the barkeep in hopes of another round to ease the troubles of their adult days. many who lingered slouched at their seats, tipping mugs at their lips and swishing the bitter liquid around their gums to rid whatever taste was left in their mouths.

(y/n) hardly spared these dipsomaniacs any notice as she observed the constellations dotting the sky. she allowed zhongli to lead the way as she trailed right on his loafer-clad heels.

upon closing the distance between them and the restaurant, a man's voice who told a story about the jade chamber reached her perked ears. they found a suitable table within listening distance and sat down on the wooden seats.

the storyteller's hands waved in the air in exaggeration, emphasizing his words further. (y/n) listened as he told the tale of the tianquan and her mysterious documents hidden away in the depths of the jade chamber. the girl couldn't help but allow pride to swell in her chest. she was personally invited to the chamber, after all.

her chin dropped into her palm. her attention eventually faded from the storyteller as his next story began, focusing on the waiter who approached their table instead.

"we'll take two orders of the bamboo shoot soup as well as an entree of almond tofu," zhongli's gaze swept to the side, locking onto (y/n)'s briefly before he continued. "...a bottle of osmanthus wine as well, please."

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