Chapter one

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I've been in my room all day just sobbing quietly to myself and ignoring the calls I got from the other side of the door and the phone calls I had coming from my phone. I buried myself deeper into the warmth of my blankets and soon slipped into a deep and much needed sleep.
Hours have passed and it was now almost dark as the sun was now setting in the sky. I got up and looked at the time. I had a massive headache the moment I woke up so I decided to swallow some pain killers and just sat at the edge of my bed looking down at my feet with my mind yet again racing with all kinds of thoughts and emotions.
After gathering myself together I got up from the mess I was in, I grabbed a jacket and slipped on my shoes and jogged downstairs. I walked into the living room and saw my dad watching some old movie and my mom making some dinner. I told them I was going for a walk around the neighborhood and shut the door behind me before I could get a response back. I turned on my phone and put my earphones in and started my playlist I made for special occasions when I was feeling down and took a walk around the neighborhood. It was a usual thing for me but I haven't felt like this in awhile, and I hated it. It was a bit chilly out as I shoved my hands into the pocket of my jacket and started walking wherever my feet would take me.

Hours have passed and it was now late at night. I had put my phone on do not disturb because I just needed a break from everyone else and wanted to allow my mind to be at peace without my family or friends barging their questions onto me. I didn't feel like talking with anyone because no one would understand how I'm feeling at the moment or what I went through so here I am at a old park my feet lead me to. I sat here on the swing as I just sat there slightly kicking my legs back and forth on the sand. I could feel my nose getting pink from the cold weather but I didn't care. I felt numb anyways. I stared up at the big moon and just silently started asking whoever was out there that heard my thoughts for some answers as to why I'm being put through this and asked if I was going insane because they felt real. Their touches were real, their thoughts and emotions were real. Were they not? A few tears escaped my eyes and ran down my cheeks for what seems like a thousand times today. I wiped them away and got up from the swings and decided I was going to go home since my parents and siblings were blowing up my phone with calls and messages.

As I got home I was being questioned nonstop by my family has they scolded and explained their fear of me being abducted or was out dead somewhere. I just whispered out an apology as I slipped past my parents and walked to my room and locked the door as I kicked off my shoes and jacket and threw myself on my bed. Time as past and everyone in the house was now fast asleep as I stayed awake in the silence of my room and my thoughts as loud as a thunderstorm that has me up and questioning everything. How could this happen? When did it happen? Did they know that they were leaving me? Was that why when they had laid me down that night and whispered their goodnights to me, that it was actually a goodbye to me? To everything we've experience together? To the late night chats and the morning breakfast we shared? Why did they leave me so sudden? And without a proper goodbye?
Once again my head began to throb in a aching pain as more thoughts that flooded my mind was now feeling like it was suffocating me to death. I laid there on my bed just allowing my thoughts and the many questions I had bring me to unconsciousness as my eyes started to feel heavier and heavier until my eyes finally gave up and decided to allow sleep to wash over me.

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