Chapter three

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Once I finished my ramen I got up and explored around some more as I got some odd looks from people.

The village hidden in the leaf... where have I heard that from? Why can't I all of a sudden remember stuff?! I'm so frustrated! I mean I obviously can remember my name but why can't I remember anything else? Like home or my family? I mean I know I have a home and family somewhere but I don't know why I can't remember their names or where home is.

I walked down a empty backstreet and leaned against the wooden fence and was trying hard to remember anything. Literally anything other than me waking up here in the leaf village. I'm scared because I know no one here and I'm all alone. What am I going to do?!
I sat down and started crying.
I then heard someone by me and asked if I was okay.
I sniffled and looked up at the person standing in front of me.

"Hey, uh are you okay?"

"Um I'm- I'm fine. I think.."

"Well you don't look fine. Why are you crying ?"

"I'm crying because I'm lost."

The boy gave me a lopsided look as he sat down next to me and put his hand on his chin as he began to think of how to help me.

"Well I can help you if you want. Do you know where your house is?"

I shook my head no

"We'll do you know your family name? Maybe your mom or dad or siblings?"

I shook my head no once again as I cried yet again because I felt scared and lonely.
He then got up and dusted himself off as he extended his hand out to me to help me up which I gladly took.
He looked at me and spoke:

"Well I can help you if you want. I can stay with you until we can help get your memories back! I'm naruto uzumaki!"

He flashed me a big bright smile which brought warmth on my cheeks and a smile of my own as the tears stopped falling.

"I'm y/n."

Me and naruto have been walking around the village and asking around but no one seemed to know or heard of me. I've began to lose all hope.

Maybe I don't have a family.

I guess naruto had a feeling about what I was thinking because he spoke up and broke the silence that fell upon us.

"I'm sure you have a family somewhere. We'll just have to keep looking for them. I promise to stay by you until we find them again. Believe it!"

I gave him a small smile as I thanked him and followed him on a nearby bench.
We had took a break from walking around and asking around for any information about me. It was getting a late as the sun began to set.

"Well I'm guessing you don't have anywhere else to go to huh?"

I shook my head no.

"I figured as much. Well if ya want.. you can stay with me! I promise I'm not Pervy or some weirdo! I mean I'm not like pervy sage or anything. If you want you can come home with me and stay with me? That-that is until we find your home."

He gave you a shy smile after he was done blabbering as I giggled and agreed to stay with him until I found my home and family. Until then, naruto is my safe home.
We got to his house as he kicked off his ninja sandals as i kicked off my own shoes and walked into the apartment. We sat at the dinner table as he made us some of his instant ramen which were quite tasty. We were talking and laughing about his stories he had shared with me while I just listened and laughed along with him.

"And then that Baka Sasuke-"

Sasuke? Why does that name sound familiar... I can't picture any faces that goes with the name. But I somehow remember that name. It's a blur but I think... I'm sure I know that name. I just don't know from where...

I guess I've been spacing out because naruto called me back to reality.

"Hey- uh are you okay?"

"Um yeah, yeah. Sorry I just. I um, I don't know why but the name you mentioned, Sasuke was it? It sort of... sounds familiar. But I don't know how or where I know that name from."

"Mmh. Maybe you've heard it around? Most girls fan girl about him because he's so "cool" but I don't think he's cool. I think he's lame and acts all brave but isn't! I'd like to show him, that big show off!"

He had steam coming out from his nostrils as I laughed at how he described this Sasuke person. I maybe need to stay alert around him and his fan girls from what naruto told me.
After eating, naruto gave me some extra pjs he had and handed them to me so I can sleep comfortably because he said my clothes looked uncomfortable and wasn't anything like anyone wore around here. Which he mentioned a few times throughout the day we spent roaming around the village. He then laid out a futon for me along with some pillows and a blanket as we got into bed. We talked a bit more before the yawns kicked in and the sleepiness washed over us like a big wave.
I'm lucky that naruto found me crying in a empty backstreet or else I wouldn't have anyone. I'll have to give thanks to him for all that he has done for me because he could've just left me there to cry and be lost forever, but instead took me in and invited me to his home openly and stuck by me through this difficult time. I'm lucky to have met him.


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