Chapter seven

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After the mysterious stalker had left, I stood there confused about who he was or what he meant about "coming back home". So many questions ran through my mind that I didn't hear naruto and jiriaya approach me.

"Um y/n chan? Are you feeling okay?"

Naruto asked as he stared at me.

"Oh! Uh yes- I just have a bit of a headache that's all."

I smiled at him while he stared at me for a few seconds before shrugging it off.

"Okay. Well how about we go eat some ramen? Pervy sage agreed to treat us!"

Naruto said excitedly as I smiled at him and nodded my head yes while me and naruto and jiriaya began our walk to the ramen shop.

Once we finished our ramen my stomach was full and my mind was now empty. I was no longer questioning about the mystery man who approached me earlier. The only thing on my mind was talking and laughing with naruto and jiriaya. It was getting late so naruto and I said our thanks to jiriaya as we waved goodbye while we went our separate ways. On the walk to naruto's apartment we talked about what went on today as he talked about his training he did with master jiriaya while I talked about how I tagged along with Sakura and Ino's training session with lady tsunade. He was impressed that I was interested in medical jutsu so that way when he gets hurt i can heal him, Well that's what naruto said anyways. I laughed and told him I would try my best even though I had no experience and talent like lady tsunade or the two leaf village girls.

We finally arrived at naruto's apartment. He unlocked his door while he let me enter the apartment first as we slid off our shoes by the door and relaxed onto the mats he had on the floor while we stayed up that night playing some card games and talking the night away.


The next morning I was woken up by the sound of someone knocking on the door. I looked over at naruto and told him someone was at the door to which he groaned and told me to go answer it while he turned away and fell right back to sleep. I sighed as I got up from my sleeping form and walked groggily to the door as I cracked the door open a bit while a older man looked down in surprise.

"Oh- uh. I'm sorry to have woken you but I was stopping by to pick up naruto. He was supposed to meet us at the front entrance of the gate a while ago for a 3 day mission we've been assigned to."

I made an "o" with my mouth as I stared at the man in front of me. He was quite attractive I must say. He stood tall and had a well built body. He had light silver hair that leaned to the side while he had a mask covering his mouth and a head band covering his right side of his eye. I quickly jumped when I noticed I was spacing out while I was checking him out that I forgot to get naruto.

"Ah! Uh- I'm sorry let me just umm..-"

I quietly excused myself while my cheeks turned a slight pink color as I ran to go wake naruto up.

"Naruto! Get up now! A super attractive man is outside waiting for you! He said you were supposed to meet him at the front entrance of the gate for some 3 day mission."

At that explanation from me, naruto quickly jumped up and started pacing around the apartment gathering some things while I helped him. I quickly made him toast so he can have something to eat at least before he left. Once he got all the stuff that he will need he explained to me that he'll be away for 3 days and that he left me some money on the table to buy some food for the apartment while he was away. He was also kind enough leave some extra money so I can buy some clothes for myself so I won't always have to be wearing his old clothes. I waved him goodbye while he and the tall man walked away to the meeting location. Once I stepped back into the apartment I noticed he left a satchel of some of his ninja tools. I quickly grabbed it and ran out the apartment door in a hurry to catch up with them in the front entrance of the gate to give naruto his satchel. I ignored the weird looks people sent my way when I was running down the streets of the village with just a sleeping shirt and some shorts as well as being barefooted.

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