My Darling.

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I'm Sorry for not posting in wow 3 months? I was studying hard for school, it is my first year in high school so it is quiet difficult...My parents wanted me to get a high grade so I didn't have time to update, but now I just wanted to say here that, I'll be able to update more in the summer, surely, because no school or final exams[like now-.-] so yeah...! I'm really sorry, and this is a bit of a weird chapter, but half of it I wrote it like 2 months ago, and the other half now. So it might be a bit weird and Ciel a bit of an OOC but hope you like it!


Sebastian and Ciel.

Ciel and Sebastian.

They were always together. You can't have the one without the other.

Well...except if you are Alois Trancy. The blonde flamboyant boy with the happy personality and his booty-shorts. Only he could do it.

Ciel always held the blonde boy dear. He had a fondness about the happy boy, even though he knew he never had a chance with him, he was always fond and jealous of the boy. Fond because of a feeling he has towards the blonde. At first he was afraid of what it might be, but now he- well. Not exactly embraced it, but well... He accepted it...somehow.

And jealous because the blonde, is always so happy. Why is he always so happy? What did he have that Ciel didn't? Ciel knew that, Alois had a demon butler too. He didn't have parents or siblings, like him. He was alone in this world, so why is he always so happy, if he knows nothing has left and he also has nothing except hope for revenge?

Ciel always pondered about it, making millions and billions of scenarios, many of them not even physically possible. Sometimes Sebastian would shake them off by trying to get his master's attention, just to get ignored by Ciel.

He was annoyed by this, by the Blonde Menace, as someone would call Alois Trancy. He is a menace, after all, for him. Who dares to steal Ciel from him?! No one! Ciel is his and only his.

But...Ciel on the other hand, wants Alois. But...what- or whom, does Alois want? He is always so hard to read. Ciel always got frustrated for not be able to tell what the blonde was thinking. It was almost, admiring how the blonde hid all his secrets with a smile and a bubbly personality.

Even at school, where they are in the same house, golden owl. It's a surprise that Alois got in that house. We all understand that Ciel got in, since he is pretty smart, but...Alois? Is he as smart as we all know or more?

"Of course it was not a coincedence, Ciel! The one who chose where I'm gonna get in, said 'wow, these too know each other, so why not put them together?' " says Alois, for the tenth time the same day, because Ciel asked him. Again.

"I'm pretty sure, that's not the reason they put you here." mumbles the bluenette, sighing as he looked at Alois with a serious look. "Seriously, how the hell did you end up here?" asks in an annoyed tone. Yes, he may have almost accepted his feelings for the blonde but who said he'll start treating him nice?

"I just told you!" says the blonde laying on his bed upside down, looking at Ciel. His head hang hang upside down as he stared at the other boy.

"Alois....what are you doing?" asks Ciel sighing again as he glanced up from his book.

"I'm booooored" whines the childish teen. Ciel rolled his eyes.

"Read a book."

"Reading is boooooring"

Cielois One-Shots Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji AUWhere stories live. Discover now