What About Love?

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Warning: Not a happy ending:'3 Sowwy, but...I had this idea and thought of writing it so, if you don't like not-happy-endings, then...it's okay if you don't want to read it^_^


~Alois' POV~

Tears welled up in my eyes, as i saw him with someone else. He already forgot about us? He promised he would never hurt me. He would never leave me, but what can I do? He's 13 years old, and he made some promises he thought he would keep, like he'd never throw away his favorite toy when he was 5 years old, or that if he stopped eating sweets, he's aunt would come back from the dead, but that never happened. We throw toys away when we grow up, not caring about their feelings, so did he just see me as a toy? I mean...I know I'm too clingy, I dress like a girl, and I can't control my emotions, but that's- that's the point, right? To love someone, and try to help them be a better person? 

Ciel is not so clingy, or talkative. Or shows his emotions very often. Only when we are- I mean were alone he showed his soft side. But now, he just ignores me. Like all these hugs, kisses, cudding-nights, never existed. Like we never were together. 

He looked up from what he was doing and his eyes met mine. I just looked away, because it's the blue eyes i fell for. Sighing i pushed away my tray of food and the triplets looked at me.

"Are you okay Alois?" Asked Timber, worried.

I shook my head, smiling sadly. I can't take this. As quick as i could-without running- I went out of the cafeteria. When i passed the doors towards the bathrooms, my eyes let the tears fall. 

Why Ciel? Why did you play with me?I started pulling my hair, in frustration. I can't take this anymore. I sobbed again and again, as i grabbed the sides of the sink in front of me before i fell down. I looked up at the mirror. I'm a mess. My hair are a mess, my eyes are puffy and red-what am I saying, My whole face is red and wet from the tears. I fell down on my knees as I hiccupped and sobbed harder. 

Why Ciel? Why would you do that to me?? Why would you play with me, with my feelings and then go to him? What can he give you, that I couldn't? I freaking loved you! No wait. I still do. I freakin' love you God dammit!!

I groaned as I punched the mirror. Glasses everywhere. On my throbbing hand, on the floor and in the sink. Blood started to leak out of my hand's wounds, but I didn't care. 

No, I won't cut or kill myself because I have to think about everyone else around me. What is going to happen to Luka? Or the Triplets? Or my family? Claude? Hannah? I can't leave them because i'm hurting. If I die now, or hurt myself in anyway they'll be worried and I don't them to be. I just want them to be happy. The door opened and I quickly held my breath, turning around. It was Ciel and some other kid. They turned around and looked at me shocked.

"Hey kid, are you okay?" the boy asked me and I just looked away, pushing Ciel out of the way, and run outside the bathroom, still with bloody hand. Ciel didn't say a thing. He doesn't care, so why would he? I mean...I was just a boy-toy. A person to just spend time with, and not having feelings towards him. A toy. 

"Alois? Are you okay? C'mon, let me take you to the nurse." said someone, I couldn't recognize. My vision and memory blurry. 

(Don't think I'm exaggerating, it happened to me, so it can really happen in times like this... :X)

"N-No..." I whimpered, sitting down, and scooting over to a wall. I pulled my knees up to my chest and started moving back and forth. Kids were coming closer, asking if I was okay, and I just put my head in between my knees. I felt like no one is here. I'm all alone in a crowd. Why can't Ciel come back? Why can't I just turn back time? Why did he leave me? Am I not good enough? Didn't I give him enough? I knew he didn't want people to see we are together as a couple, and he made it really clear, I went with it. He didn't want to hold hands in public, i went with it too. He didn't want to act all lovey-dovey in public, okay. He didn't want to say "i love you" back in public, when i said it to him playfully, okay even though it hurt a lot. I did everything he said. I was like a puppet, to everything he said. 

Cielois One-Shots Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji AUWhere stories live. Discover now