chapter 12

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yes i know it's been four days but i promise you it's worth the wait. i also know it's 11 pm but i just had the inspiration for the romance so leave me alone. i know everyone is reading till 2 in the morning because i do it. enjoy this short but in my opinion cutest chapter ever! comment and vote!!!!

maddie's pov

"can you just tell me where we're going?" i ask kai kai 5 minutes into this drive.

"no i told you no questions just trust me! don't you trust me?"

"i do but i mean i hate surprises! at least tell me how much longer"

"fine about 10 minutes!" she says giving in.

woah major deja vu! wait could kailee be taking me to the place where jj took me? wait did i just call him jj? maybe i'm not as mad at him as i thought. i mean his argument was valid he was just overthinking and becoming anxious like he usually does. and i could just be overeacting as i usually do. i should forgive him, right?

by the time i'm done with that conversation with myself i see that we are at the place.

griffith observatory.

shes surprising me with josh. he's going to be at the spot and we're gonna talk things over and become besties again. that's whats happening.

"well i'll go see josh and comebcak when we're all good" i say opening the door.

"yup have fu- wait HOW DID YOU KNOW?"

"i mean once i saw we were here i just kind of pieced everything together you know? but thank you! i need this. i need to make everything right with him"

"yeah you do now go get your mans!" she says ushering me out of the car.

"OH CALM DOWN!" i scream as i walk away from the car and retracing my steps from the last time i was here.

i walk down to the spot to see josh sitting there just like we were looking at the clouds. i go and lie next to him and he doesn't turn to face me but just starts speaking.

"the day we fought i thought my life was over"

i sat there not responding but listening.

"i had just lost someone who was so damn important to me, someone who has always been there for me and yet i wasn't there for them that day"

he sits up and faces me and i mimicked him.

"i'm so sorry. i cant even begin to describe in words how stupid i was. i was selfish and just scared. scared of doing exactly what i did; lose you. i ruined something so great and perfect and in that moment i didn't even feel bad. i was so blinded by my selfishness and fear that i thought i was right. when i was fucking wrong. i mean i probably broke a record for most wrongest man in the world. i just i need you to know that i know i was wrong, i know i was being a dumbass and i don't intend on being one again. i just need you to believe and forgive me because this time without you has been way too fucking hard"

i sit there for a while processing what he said. i came here thinking i would be saying to him how i was wrong and i was being selfish. i was being selfish, but so was he. we were both blinded by our selfishness so it would be hypocritical for me not too forgive him.

"i forgive you"

"really?" he asks looking up from his hands.

"of course i do. i was being selfish and stupid too. it would make no sense not too forgive you. and i don't think i can ever live without you. it was hell not having you by my side to talk or just be the crackheads that we are. but, i think we need to have a real conversation about the kiss"

he nods his head but stays silent.

"i'm not ready" i whisper while looking down at my hands.

i feel his finger lightly touch my chin and lift my head up so we're eye level.

"we are not going to do anything you're not ready for. if you don't want to be in a relationship i am in no way going to force you. but, i just need to know if you feel something like i do" he whispers back.

i put my hand on his cheek and lean my head against his forehead. "i always have and always will"

we sit there like that for a little just enjoying the silence but knowing we are together.

ok wasn't that just the cutest?!? already starting on the next chapter so you'll get it sooner! love you all!! comment and vote!!


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