chapter 9

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hiiii sorry for not posting for a little but we have a juicy chapter so get ready! comment and voteeee!!!

josh pov

~time reverse~

    ok so why is kailee here? does she know about the kiss? did mads tell her?

    she told her. i mean theres no other explanation. it took her so long to try and think of why she was here! if she wasn't lying she would've been able to say it WITHOUT hesitation.

    i can't belive she told her! i mean does the kiss mean nothing to her.

    oh my god!

    she probably kissed me back because she felt bad. she probably doesn't even like me!

    i just ruined our friendship. after 11 years of being best friends. i ruined our friendship, ME. no one else.

    this wasn't my fault! i didn't do anything! she didnt have to kiss me back. she couldve said that she didnt like me. i mean yeah i wouldve been upset but i would understand and we would still be friends. well i mean we technically aren't not friends yet. well i dont even know if we are not going to be firends anymore. i would hope we stay friends.

    no ok SHE ruined this. SHE didn't have to lead me on to think she liked me.

    i need to talk to her. i need to make sure she knows im mad at her because she cant toy with my emotions like this.


    what was that? it sounds like it came from mad- madison's room.

    ok well more of a reason for me to go up there.

    i can do this. i mean it's only the first big fight we've had in who knows how long, it's fine.

    ok well im walking up the stairs.

    i hear the door open and look up to see madison coming out of the room.

    "madison, can we talk?"

    "um uh ok...?" she hesitantly responds.

    we walk downstairs and i sit on the couch.

    "whats worng jj?"

    "well madison i think we should talk about what happened before"

    "yeah i think we should" she says agreeing.

    "i think we-" she starts vbefore i cut her off

    "wait let me speak first"

madison pov

    what is wrong with jj? he keeps calling me madison and is just being rude all together. he won't let me speak and WHY THE FUCK DOES HE KEEP CALLING ME MADISON?!?!

    "ok what do you need to say?" i say trying to calm myself.

    "i think it was really unfair of you to toy with my feelings and if you just said you didn't like me and didn't lead me on then maybe we wouldn't be fighting right now"


    "wait wait what?!? are you actually being serious? is this some joke because if it is fuck you and if it isn't fuck you"

    "it's not a joke and dont say fuck you this is your fault!" he says getting up from the couch.

    i follow his movements and stand up.

    "MY FAULT? did you even think to ask me if i liked you? you justed assumed that i dont like you right? AM I RIGHT?" i say asking him again to get an answer.

    "well i mean i didnt think to-"

    "YEAH you didn't, so i want to know how you think its fair for you to just assume this? if you wouldve maybe let me speak you would understand why i ran away after we kissed or why kailee is standing at the top of the stairs listening to me scream at you because you are being so incredibly STUPID, joshua" i throw my hands up and down a couple of times during my very much needed rant.

    "so are you going to tell me?" he asks after a few minutes of silence.

    "tell you what? the reason kailee is here? the reason i left right after we kissed? no you don't deserve to know now after you accused me of what? i don't even know and i bet you don't either. so just go because honestly i really can't stand you right now. you're saying this is my fault when you're the one who just made your best friend so mad and start crying. YOUR fault. get out" by the end tears are fully streaming down my face and without another word joshua leaves.

    kailee immediately runs up to me and i fall in her arms sobbing.

    well i guess my worst fears came true. i might've lost my best friend. 

     woah that was honestly hard for me to write but hope you guys enjoyed!!!!!!!!!!! vote and comment if you loved ittt hehe.



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