Chapter 1

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Quick summary about me I'm 18 I'm a senior in high school and I have 1 close friend Amanda she's also 18 she's straight and I'm gay as hell and I have a dick

Me and Mandy fuck from time to time when we're drunk or just need to release and there is no strings attached

We haven't fucked in awhile cause she started talking to this boy

Anyways back to me yes I have a dick and yes I'm popular with the lady's and I'm the caption of the boys football team

All the guys love me cause 1. I hook them up the the lady and 2. Since I joined we have won 3 national championship and I take the trophy home every year

I also run track and play soccer
My alarm went off and I got up it's 3:30am and I go for a jog

I do live with my family and we are pretty wealthy but we don't show off we live and a 2 story house and we drive regular cars

I was jogging and I bumped into some really fine lady

Just to be clear I'm 5'11

Before she hit the ground I grabbed her waist and pulled her into me

Standing she looks about 5'9 or 10

"Hey" she said as she puts her hands on my chest biting her lip

"Hey yourself" I say

"AJ right" she asked

"Yeah how you know" I asked still holding her and she didn't make any effort to move

"I'm your teacher" she said and I raised an eyebrow

"Your photography teacher" she said kinda disappointed? I shook it off

"Oh! Ms.A I didn't recognize you" I say

"It's ok so why are you doing here this time of day" she asked and a swear she stepped closer to me like there is any room left

"Uhh you know just jogging" I say stepping back but she stepped forward pressing her body on mine

Don't get me wrong Ms.A is cute but it's illegal and I ain't trying to get my scholarships taken away

"You mind backing up" I asked pushing her away

"Oh uhh sorry I was just cold" she said and I took my hoodie off and gave it to her

"Take it in getting hot with the running"

"Are you sure AJ" she asked slowly putting it on

"Yes I am" I say and she smiled as she put it on

"So Ms what are you doing here"

"Taking pictures of the stars and waiting for the sunrise" she said and I looked confused it was only 4 and the sun don't come up until 6:30

"It's only 4" I say

"Uhh yeah like i said I like taking pictures of the sky and stuff and some people that walk by let's be take a black out photo of them" she said rather quickly

"Ok well I'm going to get back to my jog" I say

"Ok uhh be safe and I'll see you at school" she said and I nodded and went off after telling her bye
I get home and it 6:45 I hope in the shower and throw my hair up into a mess bun

I get dressed and make my way downstairs

"Morning mom" I say and kissed her cheek

"Morning honey" she said and I sit down and fixed me a plate

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