Chapter 4

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Amelia POV

   "I wouldn't leave if I were you" I say smirking

"And why not" she asked looking at me

"I'll tell the police you raped me" I say smirking

"And with what proof and I didn't even rape you" she said

"This says otherwise" I said showing her the video on my phone I had edited to make it sound like I was begging her to stop

"What do you want from me"

"You know what I want handsome" I say smiling at her and running my finger down her chest

She grabbed my hand to stop me

She took the phone and broke it in half

"You really think that that's the only copy I have" I say smirking and she rolled her eyes

I pulled her into a kiss but she didn't kiss back

"I'd kiss back if I were you" I say and she kissed me back

"Let's go cuddle baby" I say interlocking our fingers

We went into my room and she looked shocked

"What are you" she asked bagging away from me

"A woman that's just in love and want to worship her king" I say pulling her to me

"You're crazy" she said

"No just in love" I say and pecked her lips

I pulled her to the bed

"This is your side" I say she has the right said of the bed

We get in the bed and I instantly cuddle up into her

I lay my head on her chest and I wrapped her arm around me

"I love you baby" I say and she just scoffed

I picked her lips a few times and laid back down throwing my leg over her


After an hour she was sleep and I snuck out of bed

Knock knock

I knocked on cam door

"It's open" she says

I go in and she looks at me and smile a little

"Baby I am so sorry I'm pretty sure she gave me something and- baby please forgive me" I say

"No I only dated you so she can get close to you" she says

"You knew" I asked bagging up

"She did" Amelia said

"Let's go to bed baby I'm cold" she says pouting and I wanted to throw up

She grabs my hand and takes me to her room

She makes me lay down and she claps and the light went off

She pushed my hand in her pants but I tried to move it but she wouldn't let me do my hand was resting on her pussy

She falls asleep whit in 2h

Sneaks out of bed and put my shoes on

I went downstairs and opened the front door and closed it

I got in my car and left home

I pulled up into my room and when I went in my room I seen something flashing

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