Chapter 5

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Amelia POV

I made it to the car garage and her car is her but her and that tramp isn't

I screamed and drove home

I'm not really pregnant cause cam made me take birth control cause she said it was too soon and I need to make sure I had her and plus with me Turing into a little is kinda out of control

I got home and opened the door and fell to the floor shrinking into a baby

I started screaming crying and cam came running down

When she found me she picked up and put a diaper on me and some clothes

I snuggled into her chest and she held me and rocked me to sleep

I woke up and cam was watching tv holding me still I was still a baby

I sit up on her lap and yawn

"Here baby" she says putting my bottle to my mouth

It was apple juice

I was drinking it and my hands were holding the bottle but cam was the one that was really holding it

I push the bottle back and cam sat it down

She put the cloth on her shoulder and stood up and patted my back for a few and I burped and sit up a little

She sips my mouth and kissed my forehead

I swear I love my best friend

She changes my diaper after 30min cause I always pee 30min after drinking something

She sat me on the floor and I played with my toys mostly my teething ring thought

I crawled to her after an hour and she picked me up

My stomach growled and she chuckled and kissed my cheek

She fed me some baby food and than put my cartoons on

Cam was running her fingers threw my hair as I was watching tv

She was actually distracting me she was braiding my hair

When she got done she put a little hair bow on me and smiled and kissed the top of my head

I look at her and had a baby smile on my face and she smiled and rubbed my cheek

I laid my head on her chest and she put my blanket over me and soon enough I fell back asleep


I was holding baby Amelia and she was so tiny and adorable I'm lucky to have her in my life

After about 2 hours she started waking up she yawn and tried to to keep her eyes open

"Hi baby" I say and she looks at me and stands in my lap

She babbled her gibberish

She hugged me and I hugged her back and kissed the side of her head a few times

A light started to show and cam got bigger

"Thank you" she said and I nodded and said you're welcome

"Now go out some clothes on cause you have nothing on but a diaper" I say and she covers her boobs and run to her room and I laughed at her


It's been about 3 months now and we haven't seen nor heard from Amelia

Cam and I do our school online so there isn't a risk of her following one of us here

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