Chapter 2

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The bell rung and Ms. hurried out the class room

I tried catching her but when I got out the class she was gone

I ran to the parking lot and she was leaving school

Probably a family emergency if she leaving this fast

Ms.A POV (Amelia)

I get home and I take out AJ phone

Yes I left that fast on purpose

I hooked it up to my computer and I immediately got into it

I learned how to hack things for this purpose only

I looked threw her pictures and I fell more in love with her

I sent the pictures to my phone and the videos all of them

I print them out and hang them on my AJ wall

So of them are edited with me in there with her

On her snap I went to my eyes only and I was drooling

She has a cock and it's big

I bit my lip and shifted in my seat

She was jerking off and she came and shot a load and it hit her wall

I pulled my pants down and began fingering myself

She was talking like she had sent this to someone and it felt like she was talking to me

I came yelling daddy

I sucked my fingers like the video told me to and I moaned

Knock knock knock

Melia! My best friend yelled outside the door

"What!" I yell

"Stop thinking of your student crush and come down!" She yells and I groaned

Yes she knows

I put my pants back on and grabbed her phone and went downstairs

I grumbled and plopped on the couch

"What did you get today" she asked

"Her phone and she has a cock!" I yelled at her smiling

"Can I see"

"No! This is my feature husband" I say holding the phone to me

She rolled her eyes and gave me a cup of soda cause I don't drink or smoke

Knock knock

"Who is that" cam asked and I shrugged

"Oh yes come right in" I hear cam say and I groaned loudly and slouched off the couch

"Wow and here I thought I was your favorite student" AJ said laughing

Wait AJ!

I popped up and ran to my room

I fixed my hair and clothes

I put on some short shorts and a crop top

I sat her phone on my bed and went back down

"Hey what are you doing here" I asked from the top of the stairs

"Oh you left before I had a chance to get my phone and I needed so I came by" she said

"How do you know where I live" I asked smiling

"I asked the front desk lady" she said I nodded

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