Chapter 3

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It's been fun hanging out with Ms.A outside of school sometimes we go jogging like right now

"I need a break" she said breathing heavily

"Come on just to the tree over there and then we are done" I say jogging in place

"I'm to out of shape" she breaths sitting on the floor

I sit next to her and hand her my water bottle and she drinks the whole thing

After 5min were back to running

When we got down it was 7am it is now Saturday

And she was here reading this time and I asked her to join me and she agreed

"Can I use your bathroom" I asked her  cause I walked her home

"Yeah sure" she said we walked in her home and it nice and cozy

She walks me upstairs to the bathroom

I do my business and I flush and wash my hands

I open the door and I was met with a smaller brunette girl

"AJ right" she asked and I nodded

"I'm Camilla and I'm single if you ever want to go ou- Ow!" Ms. A hit her in the head and I laugh a little

"Out" she said pointing and she bags up and winks at me and ran when Ms. bout hit her

"Sorry about her" she says

"It's fine what's her number" I asked and her smile dropped

"Why" she asked

"I'd like to get to know her more" I say

"No" she said

"Ok I'll go ask her than" I say and walked into the room cam walked into

"Hey I was wondering if I could have your number" I asked her

She looked behind me and I looked and Ms.A was there glaring at her

"Don't mind her" I say turning her head to me and blocked Ms

"Can I have your number beautiful" I asked

"Yes" she says

She gives me her phone and I put my number in and texts myself

"I'll call you later" I say and kissed her lips and when I  pulled back her Eyes was closed but she slowly opened them

"Ok" she said


Ms.A slammed her room door

"You wanna catch a movie later tonight say around 9" I asked

"Yeah sure" she said and I smiled and kissed her again and bid her a goodbye

"Ms.A I'm leaving" I say knocking on her door I went to open it but it slammed shut

She came out but his what was in her room

"Ok bye" she said crossing her arms

I bid her a goodbye and left and jogged to the park and got in my car

9 came and I was on my way to Ms.A house cause cam told me to meet her there

I was wearing grey joggers and a hoodie I told cam to dress comfortable

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