Chapter 7

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Amelia POV

I got bigger and ran out the house just to see them pulling off

I went back in and screamed

Cam pulled me into a tight hug and I screamed and cried into her chest and she rubs my back

"I had her and now she's gone" I cry

"I know baby we'll get her back" Cam says running her fingers through my hair

I grabbed my keys

Good thing I have a photographic memory

I drove around for a bit and finally found their car

We get out and hid in the backseat

When they get in and started driving we got up

"Pull over" I said and we pointed the guns at them

She sighed and punched the wheel and pulled over

Amanda looked at me and pulled me into her lap

She hugged me and kissed the top of my head

"I literally have a gun pointed at yall" I say

"You're still my baby" she says and I smiled a little

We drove back to my house and we get out

Amanda picked me up and I was looking dead at AJ and she stuck her middle finger up to me

We go in and I shrink into a baby and this time cam stays up here and cuff AJ down

I babbled and pointed to Aj

"She wants you AJ" Amanda said

"Don't bring her over here" she says and I pout

"Peas" I whimpered but she looked away

"Peas-" I started

"No!" She yells at me and my lip started to quiver and I started crying

"AJ she's a baby I get that you hate her right now but baby Amelia did nothing to you be mad at big Amelia" Amanda said taking me upstairs she lays down in the bed and I was laying on her chest crying

"Shh it's ok baby" she said running her fingers through my hair

I calm down after about 20min

She goes back downstairs and into the kitchen and gets my bottle out and fed it to me

She was singing to me as I drink and I was slowly falling asleep again

When I got done with my bottle she burped me

"I'm just going to hold Amelia you can put ya damn gun down" AJ said walking in

Cam put her gun away and AJ takes Amelia put my arms

"See" she said and Amelia laid her head on her shoulder and yawned

We went back to the living room and I closed my eyes

30min past and I pretended to be sleep

Aj was laid out on the couch and Amelia was still on her chest

And I guess AJ was actually sleep cause she started snoring not loud but loud enough to hear a little

I heard cam slowly go upstairs most likely to use the bathroom

I slightly opened my eye and seen her round the corner up there and waited a few seconds

I got up and moved Amelia off AJ

I shook her awake and told her to come on

I grabbed Amelia keys and we left and got in the car and left speeding

We went to my house and I parked the car 3 blocks away and we walked here

We walked because Amelia more than likely have a tracker on it

We go into my house I live alone btw

We laid down and got some sleep but not after taking the cameras down without being seen in them

We laid in the attic because if she came here there is a 99% chance she won't look up here

I closed my eyes and went to sleep

"They have to be here cam" I hear

Shit AJ is looking at me telling me not to move or make a sound and I nodded

"Amelia maybe it's for the best" cam said

"What do you mean"

"She's 19 for crying out loud why are you so obsessed with her" cam asked getting on my bed

"Because I am" Amelia said

"Can't even come up with an answer" cam said sighing

"Just leave me alone and help me find her I need her you know they'll kill me if I don't have someone" Amelia said and me and AJ looked at each other

"Wanna go down" I mouthed and she nodded

I kicked the hatch open and Amelia screamed and jumped onto cam

"Who's going to kill you" I ask peaking my head out

"These powerful people if I don't have someone in the next 3 weeks they'll kill me" Amelia said standing up now

"What about you cam" I asked

"I have my someone" she said with a blush

"Who" I asked mad cause we've been talking for about 2 weeks now

"Y-you if you'd like" she said rubbing her arm and I smiled

I jumped down and gave her a kiss

"Of course I'll be your person" I say and she smiled

"What does that mean by the way" I asked pulling away a little

"It means you own her" Amelia said climbing up the little latter

"I own you" I asked and she nodded blushing


Amelia climbs up the stairs and stops not fully up here when she sees me

"Hi" she says shyly

I tip my imaginary hat at her

She climbs up and sit beside me

"Why didn't you tell me" I asked

"I don't know I guess I thought you wouldn't want me knowing you have to own me" she says looking down

"Amelia" I started but sighed

"Amelia I love you I do and I don't want you to die but I don't want to own you it just doesn't sit right with me" I say to her

"I know and I don't like the idea of anyone owning me but I have to play by their rules or it's the end for me" she says laying her head on my shoulder

I wrapped my arm around her and laid my head on hers

"I'll have to think about this Amelia" I say and she nodded

I gave her a hug and we went down

She walked downstairs without saying anything

I went to and pulled her into a tight hug

She started crying and I picked her and hugged her tightly

"I'll be ok" I say and she nodded

They left eventually and cam and Amanda had to go make the own ship official

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