Chapter 6

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Amanda POV

Right now I was sitting on Amelia couch watching tv and on my phone

AJ and cam had went out to get some groceries

"Hiiiii" Amelia said laying on me

"Hey honey bun" I say wrapping my arms around her

She lays her head on my chest and I kissed the top of her head

"When AJ coming back" she asked

"Never" I said and she sat up and looked at me

Her lip started quivering and eyes started watering

"Oh no baby I'm just playing" I say pulling her down to me and hugging her and she was sniffling while laying her head in my neck

She turns into a baby and she crawled up my body more and curled up into a ball and I put her blanket over her

I rubbed her back and hummed her a song

30min later she sits up on my chest and yawns

Her little baby feet is in my face and I tickle them and she giggled and snatched her feet while falling back and rolling over

I picked her up and kissed her cheek

I took her to the kitchen and I made her bottle and shook it up for a minute

I put it in the fridge and pulled the other one out for her

I cradled her and fed her the bottle and she closed her eyes and sucked on the bottle

I walk around with her for a bit until I decided she had enough milk

I sat her bottle down and I wiped her mouth

I laid her in my shoulder and patted her back burping her

She wraps her arms around my neck and yawns and I smiled and rubbed her back

I went up stairs to change her diaper and she was getting ready to cry to

I changed her I went downstairs and I put some of her toys on the couch and sat her down and I sat behind her playing her for a little bit

I put on amazing world of gumball and she clapped and squealed

After about 15min she crawled over to me and onto my lap

I put her toys away and I laid back on the crouch with her and gave her, her paci and she sucks on it and plays with my fingers

She tired biting my finger and it tickles cause she has no teeth Well she was a few but they don't hurt

I head the door unlocked and in walked AJ and cam with some groceries

Amelia babbled reaching for AJ and she bout knocked herself off the couch but I caught her leg

I picked her up and took her to the kitchen


Amanda and Amelia came in and Amelia was reaching for me

"Hey baby" I say in a childish voice while picking her up

She hugs me tight and I hugged her back kissing the side of her head

She babbled to me and I just nodded along

I gave her kisses all over her face and she giggled

I started walking to the living room when a light started shining and she was grown again

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