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Amelia POV

I have 3min before they kill me

I'm crying but not loudly

Cam is here and Amanda

Amanda comes over to me and gave me kisses on my head

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry" she said and kissed my cheek

"It is time" master Jake said and they pulled Amanda away from me

"Noo" she cries

"It's ok" I say sniffling

"Hold!" We hear and we see AJ running up

"I'm her owner I have the papers right here I signed them off I got caught up in work and didn't expect to be gone this long" she said handing Jake the papers

He looks at her and looks through the papers

"Release her" he said and my heart dropped

S-she accepted me

S-she's mine well I'm hers but still

They let me go and I run and jumped in her arms crying into her neck

They leave and she hugs me tightly

"I couldn't let you go" she said wiping my tears

Amanda and cam came up and hugged the life out of me

"Thank you" I cry into AJ chest and she runs her fingers through my hair

She lifts my head and kissed me and I felt thousands of butterflies in my stomach

We pull back

A band appeared on our wrists

"I-it's official" I say and she smiled and nodded

A stack a books appeared too

"What are those" she asked

"My rules and if I don't follow them I'll be shocked" I say and she didn't look like she believes me

"Tell me to do something" I say

"Go get me some food" she says

"No" I say and I was shocked and she can see it shocking me

It stopped and she rushed to me and helped me up

"Ok I believe you" she says hugging

"And there are more rules I have to learn and you do to" I said and she nodded

"Well really just me cause you can say or do anything and I have to follow it" I say and she nodded

She pulls me into her and kisses me again

"I love you Amelia" she says

"i love you too" i said with a smile that reached my ears

"Are you ready" I ask

"For what" she asks

"To see the world how it really is" I say and she was confused

She looked at Amanda and she nodded

"I'm ready" she says

"Permission to touch" I asked

"Yes" she said

I placed my hands on her head and connected our foreheads

We closed our eyes and when we opened them she could see what we see

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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